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FAST(免费广告电视)正在崛起, but how can content distributors thrive in this very competitive landscape? 数字广告公司在广告界的地位很难保住. It’s competing with broadcast (really large and established places to go for ad buying) and social (really large and deeply opinionated/targeted audiences). 内幕情报 估计, TikTok雅虎的广告业务将达到11美元.今年是640亿美元,比去年增长了200%. 到2024年,TikTok的广告收入将达到23%.80亿,非常接近 YouTube的. 这与FAST有什么关系?

广告商想要接触到热情的、投入的观众. 有许多流媒体服务是针对特定的, 利基受众(尽管这些利基受众有时很大). Their viewers seek out content that resonates with their common interests. Revry is one of the most impressive, with programming dedicated to LGBTQ+ 信息 and entertainment.

平台 Roku, IMDB, Tubi 出售Revry 100%的广告位,以换取收入分成. “我们认为这是对我们频道的授权, 我们从他们销售的收入中分成,达米安·佩里乔内说, Revry的首席执行官兼联合创始人. “我们在Roku频道上做得很好. Even though they represent all the inventory, we get a great check from them every quarter.”

Revry’s benefit is that it has the kind of audience advertisers crave and may not be able to reach in many other mediums. 这不是面向社交媒体的内容, 而是要吸引有各种兴趣的观众, 对广告商最具吸引力, 可支配收入.


Revry不提供观看数据. Pellic­cione says it’s because its distributors don’t want to share numbers publicly, 所以这在公司的账簿上是负的. On the positive side, it is getting $35–$50 per CPM, which is very respectable.

Around 90% of Revry content views are on other companies’ FAST channels, 10%是在他们自己和经营的频道. What this means is that Revry can focus more on content distribution and less on technology development. 考虑到软件开发人员的成本,这是一件好事.

作为一家分销公司,Revry需要专注于数据. “我认为问题在于很多这些聚合器, 没有标准化,Pelliccione说. They share basic, high-level data on how much is being watched and user watch times. “从渠道提供商的角度来看,这永远不够. 我们总是在寻找更多的数据, 因为我们得到的数据点越多, 我们就能更好地为观众提供优质服务.”


Revry试图卖出尽可能多的广告库存. “We shifted our marketing strategy away from social and SEO to focus more on spending in the environments where we have channels and apps. 我们已经看到了这样做的回报,”佩里乔内说.

Buying its own ad inventory and then reselling it provides Revry with user data, because now it’s considered a client as opposed to just a channel provider. “我正在为我们自己的经济做出贡献,”佩利乔内说.

Developing a branded studio to create LGBTQ+ advertising would provide an additional revenue stream, 加上允许更多的控制比Revry从快速分销商. The ability to help create marketing that really resonates with Revry’s viewers would do several things. First, Revry would forge a stronger relationship with the brands or agencies targeting its viewers. 下一个, it would receive significant fees from producing this kind of branded content and advertisements. 最后,有身居高位的朋友永远不会有坏处. 随着Revry成为接触LGBTQ+观众的中心地点, the service is essentially carving out a niche that is way more valuable than the revenue share it is currently getting.

“现在,] Lexus makes two or three ads a year that are targeted with our community in mind,Pelliccione说. “去年,雷克萨斯(Lexus)第一和第二季度的广告中有Mj Rodriguez.“让著名的LGBTQ+演员出演广告听起来很简单. 然而,这可能不是许多品牌的强项.

医疗保健是一个巨大的广告市场. “There are companies like Gilead that manufacture HIV medications,Pelliccione说. Last year, it was trying to target African American and Hispanic gay men. “They were looking for opportunities to create content that they could align with targeting those two verticals within our own community.”

现在, 采用这种方法,并不断地放大它, 因为LGBTQ+社区会买很多东西. Having a creative studio to help brands target content would provide another revenue stream, which would allow Revry to focus on both serving its viewers and running a profitable me­dia business.

如果FAST分销商不提供Revry需要的数据, it’s time for the company to look at its assets and see how other opportunities shape up. 事实上,在短短几年内, TikTok has dominated the social ad spend means advertisers and consumers are looking for something different. Revry有一个有趣而有价值的市场, it should be able to convert this into a much more profitable media business. Revry, 以及其他类似的流媒体服务, 应该把FAST看作一个垫脚石而不是终点吗.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


从战略上讲,流媒体传输需要更多的广告商. 广告是媒体商业模式的必要组成部分, but by not being nimble enough to attract more advertising and somehow sell digital the same way cable and broadcast are sold, 数字服务正在搬起石头砸自己的脚.

Paramount SVP of Ad Operations Jarred Wilichinsky Talks Adtech Stacks and Strategy

The unforgiving world of ad tech means any mistake can cost millions of dollars. 广告技术是成功的AVOD/FAST盈利策略的关键, but there are so many moving parts that it can be a challenge to get it right. 威利钦斯基提供了实用的见解, 什么不, 以及广告支持的交付与订阅服务的比较.


瞄准流媒体观众正变得越来越困难. Today, services are looking at understanding what viewers will buy, not their personal 信息. 以下是最近发表的一些报告的摘要.

How Revry Positioned a Niche OTT Vertical as the 'Global Face of Diversity'

Revry首席执行官 & Co-Founder Damian Pelliccione provides a capsule history of Revry's evolution and growth as a leading OTT niche vertical and the largest global aggregator and distributor of LGBTQ+ content, from its beginnings as a subscription-based service to a mostly ad-supported tribrid offering--with major partners in the Smart TV space and also global brands like McDonald's.


FAST是过去两年的大新闻, but there's tension growing between streaming services and TV/OS manufacturers over who owns the viewer and how to get those viewers to the content.

一场免费广告支持的电视(FAST)洗牌即将到来. 部署你的数据生存.

As the free ad-supported television (FAST) market gets ever-more crowded, companies that leverage their data in the smartest ways will thrive while others fall by the wayside.

Revry在其LGBTQ OTT网络中采用“混合”方法

Revry is the first global LGBTQ video service, it's growing like crazy. 今年, it expanded with Brightcove's Beacon to offer a three-pronged approach to programming and monetization: live linear, SVOD, 和AVOD.