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今年5月,在波士顿举行的流媒体东部大会上,我做了一个题为“ Building Video Paywalls for Crypto在那期间,我谈到了被称为 Nostr. Nostr, or “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays,” is simply a network protocol, like HTTP or RTMP, to transmit messages over the Internet, with a decentralized distribution. Nostr的目标之一是确保没有单一实体拥有您的内容及其分发, thereby decentralizing social media content.

我有幸在Uvita现场直播了第一次Nostr“unconference”, Costa Rica, in March of this year. You can view all of the content from that event at http://nostrica.com

创建像Nostr这样的东西的动力始于比特币社区, 它正在寻找更多的方法来确认公共互联网上已知的身份,并创造一种比以往任何时候都更容易在双方之间发送付款的途径. If you’re new to Bitcoin (BTC), you may not have heard of Lightning, 它是基于BTC区块链(第1层)的第2层支付协议. 像BTC和以太坊这样的“基础”硬币有很多很多的第二层区块链. 虽然深入研究这些层是如何工作的超出了本专栏的范围, 要知道,第二层的目的是提高事务的速度和可靠性.

With a Nostr client (e.g., mobile app, web browser app), you can enter your public and private keys, as well as metadata you want associated with that key pair. Your name (or nickname), description, profile pic, banner pic, and perhaps most importantly, your Lightning URL, can be attached to your identity. When you create a post on Nostr, 您正在订阅各种Nostr中继,这些中继负责存储您的帖子并将其分发给其他Nostr客户机. 如果您发布到另一个Nostr用户看不到的中继, then your message won’t be available to that user. Most messages are sent through popular relays, and as such, it's rare that you wouldn’t see a friend’s note. Each message is cryptographically validated, 这意味着任何通过Nostr发送事件的客户端都使用私钥对有效负载进行签名. 因此,在理论上和实践中,每条消息都可以确认属于特定的公钥.

就像安全证书可以从已知的提供者获得一样, Nostr users, 被社区里的许多人亲切地称为“nostriches”, 是否可以向已知的在线服务(如nostrplebs)注册其公钥身份.并通过该提供程序为密钥分配一个短得多的用户名. For example, I have registered on nostrplebs.com the user name “videodoctor” with my public key: 


(Of course, I won’t put the private key here, 因为这样任何人都可以在诺斯特网络上冒充我.)

Now, to be clear, 在各种Nostr注册服务中可能有不止一个“视频医生”, but only one per provider. On nostrplebs.com, the full managing identifier is videodoctor@nostrplebs.com. 大多数提供这种注册的服务都接受比特币/闪电支付, 你需要有一个装有一些satoshs(或“sats”)的闪电钱包, the smallest unit of BTC, ready to go in order to move forward. 您的钱包也将成为您向Nostr网络上的其他用户转账的资金来源. Figure 1 Damus显示了我的个人资料页面,目前唯一的iOS Nostr应用程序.

nostr profile

Figure 1. My videodoctor profile

Once you have a wallet, Nostr client, and a “verified” identity created, you can start to have fun with a new world of social media. Again, 这是一项新兴技术——Nostr上还没有数百万用户, but the community is growing daily. I like to use the iOS app Damus to create content from my phone, 但也有Android应用程序和网站可以让你创建和发布内容.

支持nostro的小部件和api的集合也每天都在扩展, 随着早期采用者努力标准化媒体内容的嵌入, including live streams. Unlike content sites such as Medium or Patreon, 想要奖励或“干掉”内容创造者的Nostr用户可以直接支付不同的金额. The universal symbol for “zapping” is the lightning bolt, 如下图所示,我的图标显示在网页小部件, Nostri.chat, shown in Figure 2. 任何使用连接的闪电钱包查看帖子的人都可以直接“打”我,表示对内容的欣赏. In Nostri.在翻转过程中,聪的数量从左到右增加. The “hang loose” emoji, for example, is preset to deliver 2.5k聪,在写这篇文章的时候相当于0美元.76. The simple “thumbs up” emoji is only 500 sats, or USD$0.15.

nostr post with zapping

Figure 2. Nostr post with zapping feature.

And that brings us back to the title of this column: micropayments for content monetization对于流媒体世界的我们来说,这就是视频内容的货币化. 别提drm了——这在Nostr的世界里不是不可能的——Nostr社区的用户想要的是他们决定是否值得付费的无广告内容. 从我目前所看到的情况来看,商业正在通过Nostr传递内容. Now it’s up to us to deliver content to this new network.

Note: 围绕Nostr协议的规范正在随着nip的概念不断发展, or Nostr Implementation Possibilities. 这些是关于如何在所有客户机上扩展Nostr核心功能的技术建议, 哪些可以采用特定的功能来满足媒体内容创作者的需求.

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