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新一代的用户友好型, video-centric sites and technologies has helped to make video as much a part of our online experience as music downloads, 照片分享, 和电子邮件. 最值得注意的是,每天有1亿的视频浏览量和1美元的收入.650亿美元的价格标签,YouTube激起了人们对互联网视频的兴趣. YouTube, 以及其他基于视频的技术,包括TiVo, 网络摄像头, 还有视频手持设备, 是否改变了市场对视频的看法. Consumers today are far more comfortable creating and viewing video than ever before.

The adoption of video technologies and acceptance of video as a must-have communication medium has spread from the consumer marketplace to the enterprise. 更多的 and more, users are asking for YouTube and TiVo-like capabilities at work. Now IT departments are asking how they can best respond to this market trend and what is required to support video in the enterprise.

The desire to make video capabilities available to all in the enterprise is a noble undertaking, 但“面向企业的YouTube”并不是一个放之四海而皆准的命题. 企业中的用户组中存在许多不同的用例, 每个都有自己的解决方案需求.

没有为每个用例定制应用程序, and an underlying platform to manage and distribute the various forms of video, coverage holes may emerge and a portion of the potential creation and viewing audience will not be supported.

实现Web 2.我对一个民主化国家的愿景, participatory community where anyone in the enterprise can create and view video content in support of their job function is a concept gaining traction in both IT and functional departments. 根据弗雷斯特研究公司最近的一份报告,“使用Web 2的公司.0 technologies are driven by gains in worker efficiency and a fear of competitive pressures.”因此, 企业开始整合底层技术, 平台, 和概念进入他们的IT部门和业务线.

麦肯锡最近的一份报告 & Company survey found that more than three-quarters of executives who responded said they plan to maintain or increase their investments in technology trends that encourage user collaboration, 比如点对点网络, 社交网络, 以及基于网络的服务. 另外, 超过一半的受访者表示,他们对过去的互联网投资感到满意, though some regret not boosting their own capabilities to exploit technology. 更多的高管表示,他们本应行动得更快,而不是更慢.

在后续讨论中, respondents describe how these innovations are creating a new way of bringing technology into businesses—a method that is easier to implement and more flexible than traditional top-down approaches.

麦肯锡提供的来自商界领袖的数据表明了这种兴趣, 信誉, 和新事物的相关性, collaborative technologies are all rapidly increasing in the eyes of C-suite decision makers. The push to increase the volume and speed of 信息 flow at all levels of the enterprise, coupled with the pull from the user population to embrace technologies from the consumer marketplace, has created a perfect storm for rapid adoption of video technologies in the enterprise.

消费者对. 企业——视频有何不同?
通常, consumer video websites process video files in a fairly straightforward fashion: A user uploads a video file, 该文件被转编码为通用格式(Flash), 例如), 然后, 当观众点击链接观看节目时, 内容逐步下载到查看器中. 在大多数情况下, 视频是按需观看的,而不是流媒体直播, and it is accessed by individuals one at a time with limited or no interactivity between the creator and viewer. 另外, 在消费者市场中, video is distributed over the public internet with minimal concern for publishing control and content security.

在企业环境中, 对直播和点播视频的需求明显更加强劲. Companies require live streaming and on-demand video applications that are highly scalable and secure. A video program will typically include synchronized slides or other desktop content and also may be bundled with static downloadable content (documents, pdf文档, 等.)也. Video must be distributed over private corporate networks and connect to a company’s existing infrastructure, 包括视频会议系统, 编码器, 流媒体服务器, and content delivery networks as well as other hardware- or software-based components. Live video events must scale to large audiences viewing the stream simultaneously, and typically require interactivity with the audience in the form of polling or Q&一个功能. Video events that are published for on-demand playback must also be securely accessed, 通常通过组织现有的门户基础设施, and must be removed from the network and access portal when the event has expired.

进一步, it is imperative that all content be stored in a secure archive over time and that it adhere to corporate regulatory requirements and compliance standards. 正如分析公司弗罗斯特所断言的那样 & Sullivan in its recent "Realizing the Promise of Enterprise Video Communications" white paper, " . . . video content is one of the most sensitive ‘content types’: It is highly attributable, as the creator or presenter is directly linked to the message and content they are delivering. 结果是, the ability to detect and capture video assets that are being created across the enterprise, 跟踪和报告视频事件的收视率, and archive and delete expired video assets in an organized fashion are critical requirements for companies actively managing corporate governance and compliance."

Organizations desiring to embrace YouTube for the enterprise must respond to demand from the user audience for widespread video creation and viewing capabilities, 同时,它们也会确保这些事件被创建, 管理, 并以可扩展和安全的方式分发. The wave of video use in the enterprise has already begun and will continue to rise. 实现YouTube对企业的全部潜力, it is imperative that IT and business leaders get ahead of the adoption curve and make the appropriate proactive, 战略投资. Organizations must consider the options: Either get out in front of the video wave and ride it effectively, 或者让它离开你.

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