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How to Repurpose Corporate Video

Having well-shot video in-house can benefit a company is more ways than you might think. With the right setup, that video can be reused by any employee in the company, even if they're not tech savvy.

TJ Kudalis

OnlineVideo.net spoke with TJ Kudalis, technical product manager for Internet Broadcasting, at the recent Kaltura Connect conference in New York City. Kudalis was there to give a presentation on getting more out of video. We spoke with him to get a few pointers on how companies can do more with video they've already shot.

The key is for companies to store their videos with an online video provider (OVP) that offers simple access tools. Then, employees in any department can dip into a video to call up just the right photo or clip they need for a presentation. While the videos are shot and stored by the in-house video team, those files become accessible to anyone who needs them, perhaps for the website or a company promotion.

Since this was a Kaltura event, Kudalis was there to talk about how his company does this using Kaltura. If your company is looking for an OVP to store and stream videos, ask about controls that let anyone in the company repurpose that footage.

View the full interview with Kudalis below.


Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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