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美国在线的剧集里有个片段 连接 当罗西·诺西, 来自埃奇沃特的34岁广播电视主持人, 新泽西, learns some devastating news from her doctor: She has multiple lumps in her breasts.

连接 is an online documentary series and Noesi is a real person living her life in front of a camera. 虽然这一刻很艰难, 执行制片人摩根·斯普尔洛克, 这是全剧最感人的片段之一.

“你看她有一个漂亮的男友, 谁在那儿?, 谁喜欢, 不管怎样, 你知道我一直在你身边.' I mean, these are, these are things, that I think we have all gone through, of triumph and tragedy."

In a time when reality programming has given way to "assisted reality," 连接 presents something viewers rarely see: cameras recording people's everyday lives with no artificial story arc shaping the process. 连接 offers an especially intimate look, since the cast filmed themselves.

连接 began in Israel in 2009, where it became a sensation and has run for several seasons. 背后的制作公司, 幸田来未通信, 是否在多个国家成功制作了这部剧. Koda manages the edits for each production, since it knows the formula that makes the show work.

Video has been at the forefront of AOL's efforts to reinvent itself, and while the company has created online series with a variety of celebrities, 包括海蒂·克拉姆, 妮可·里奇, 还有史蒂夫·布斯米, 它总是创造简短的内容. 连接 is a departure from that, AOL's first stab at long-form video. 连接 被朗·哈尼沃接走了, 美国在线前视频总裁, 现在由德莫特·麦科马克监管, 谁取代了哈内沃的位置.

The show presents six New York City-based storylines and attempts to show, 没有任何幕后操纵, 我们的生活是如何联系在一起的. 这是尼娜Ferrer-Mannino, a newly married photographer starting a family; 德里克·盖恩斯, a struggling stand-up comic; Eli and 被罩Bender-Taicher, two dads with two daughters; Lori Levine, a successful CEO married for the first time at 44; and the previously mentioned Rosie Noesi, 一个在承诺中挣扎的离婚女人. 第六个故事线是关于乔纳森·布里克林的, the 37-year-old owner of a New York City Ping-Pong social club, dating 67-year-old Academy Award-winning actress Susan Sarandon. 如果3月初的新闻报道属实,拍摄 连接 put a strain on their relationship, but Bricklin told reporters they haven't separated.

演员阵容 连接: 乔纳森Bricklin, 德里克·盖恩斯, 洛里·莱文(前), 尼娜Ferrer-Mannino, 伊莱Bender-Taicher, 被罩Bender-Taicher, 罗西·诺西.


Since Spurlock wasn't shooting or editing the footage, his role on 连接 和他之前的作品完全不同吗. He needed to keep track of hundreds of different elements and direct the editing from afar.

“我们会得到一个粗略的故事情节, 粗略编辑一下里面的内容," Spurlock explained in an interview when the editing was only halfway completed. "We will be getting reports of things that have been happening in the field. So then we will ask about certain things—we ask things that we have read about, 我们错过的, or things that we feel like could be valuable in terms of bridging gaps—things that they already have. 然后,他们(柯达)会带着新的削减来找我们."

Spurlock was surprised at the way the cast gradually changed in front of the camera. As the filming went on, they because less guarded and more comfortable.

"One of the things that we have done and the guys at Koda have done from the beginning is involve the people who are in the show in the viewing process,斯普洛克说. “一旦我们得到很多削减, 我们把它展示给他们,让他们看看这个节目是什么样的, 这样他们就能理解它是如何组合在一起的, 这是情绪化的. 很生涩. It's a hard thing for them to see, but I think it's a beneficial part of the process."

当他第一次听到关于 连接, Spurlock confesses that he was angry—angry that he hadn't thought of it first. While he can rattle off documentary projects that tried to get an honest look at real lives—such as R.J. 卡特勒的 美国高 TV series—he doesn't know any where the cast did all the filming. The result is that the cast tells their own stories, and Spurlock finds that beautiful.

"One of the things that I am a big advocate for is authenticity, and I think that what you get with this show is such a level of authenticity that it's almost disarming when you watch it,斯普洛克说. “你可以进入的地方, the things people talk about—it's infinitely more honest than the majority of the shows that you see on television. Once these people get this comfort around the camera they just open up because they are by themselves. They're basically talking to this device and it becomes almost like this therapeutic session of them being able to share some of their innermost thoughts, 担忧, 和情感. 这是一种强大的格式."

一个关于普通人和普通人生活的节目, viewers might wonder how Academy Award-winning actress Susan Sarandon fits into the mix. It seems like AOL is gaming the system by adding a celeb whose private life is no stranger to the tabloids. 但斯普尔洛克说,根本不是那样的. 在选角方面, 制作团队正在寻找一位有前途的厨师, 有人建议乔纳森·布里克林, 斯普尔洛克已经认识他好几年了. 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Verizon/AOL to Launch Go90 This Week, Publicis Signs an Exclusive

The streaming service will launch on iOS and Android on Thursday, 以千禧一代为导向, 移动优先的OTT视频.


看广播电视的人越来越少, broadcasters have had to increase ad loads to generate revenue. 但是广告的影响被稀释了.


In a move few saw coming, Verizon will purchase AOL in an all-cash transaction. Attracting mobile viewers and advertisers is a chief reason why.


根据协议, AOL will stream clips from multiple NBCU networks on its platforms and the two will co-develop upcoming programming.

观众会注意吗?? 美国在线创建了一个分散注意力的指标

网上购买更好, 美国在线告知视频广告商, because viewers are more likely to pay attention—and it has the numbers to back that up.

AOL Acquires Vidible, Self-Service Video Syndication Platform

据报道,这笔交易价值5000万美元, AOL expands its online video operations with a global video exchange.

AOL Touts Programmatic Advances and Partnerships at Upfront Event

大数据驱动着美国在线的广告购买, where the company debuted a dashboard for programmatic and a metric for linear TV purchasing.