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NAB 2018: V-Nova会谈珀尔修斯和交付平台

At NAB, 1月时 met with about a dozen companies with stakes in HEVC and/or AV1. This is another in a series of video interviews he conducted with them.

1月时: 1月时 here at the V-Nova booth at NAB with V-Nova president, founder, and CEO 圭多Meardi. 那天是4月1日, 2015年,V-Nova推出了珀尔修斯编解码器, 我在编解码器行业干了很长时间了. 编解码器可能是世界上最美妙的东西. 但在它完全可用之前, 直到每个人都能访问它, 它不会被很多人采用. What I'm hearing is that's an experience you went through over the last three years. Tell us what you've done to go from the codec to a well-rounded finished product. 

圭多Meardi: 当我们在2015年推出时, I was very careful to make sure that people understood the credibility that we have as a company. 人们会说:“得了吧,混蛋. 这不可能是真的. 好得令人难以置信.“我很高兴2016年我们证明了这是真的. 我们承诺的都做到了. And it's important because we like credibility and reliability. 

然而,编解码器仍然很难大规模部署. 你亲眼所见,你亲眼所见. But at the same time it was difficult to use it everywhere, especially for streaming. At the same time, we're on a mission to give 更多的质量 to everybody. 少花钱多办事. 我们非常需要这个. AV1和HEVC-AV1实际上是对这种需求的反应. 我们需要为此提供帮助. So, 我们工作了很多, in order to productize all the libraries and all the tools that are necessary to really deploy PERSEUS everywhere on all devices, 今天就在一瞬间.

1月时: 在所有浏览器中. What did you have to do to get PERSEUS playing in those browsers without a plugin?

圭多Meardi我要感谢Facebook的Colleen Henry. Because it's her idea to use WebGL in a clever way because she understood our codec extremely well. 从本质上讲,Web GL就是答案. 本质上是编解码器, they code in hardware using the combination of a base codec that is already available in terms of hardware acceleration. 

1月时: 这就是H.264.

圭多Meardi: 现在主要是H.264或HEVC,但在未来,也有AV1和VP9. 从这个意义上说,我们是编解码不可知论者. 但我们以不同的方式使用这些硬件, 然后我们使用图形管道, 哪个也是专用硬件. 我们把两者结合起来, 本质上, we can compress better and decode in hardware on 100% of devices and 100% of browsers plugin-free.

我很高兴在NAB, we're showing it with the first global channel that deployed from a major broadcaster. We have a news channel that is out to deploy that and it's already on a few million phones and tablets and PCs. 它显示了我们的承诺, because we promised with PERSEUS 2 it would bring full HD 1080p live to below one to two megabits. 我们实际上是在980Kbps下做1080p. 你亲眼所见,这很管用. It's actually quite nice, 720p at 450Kbps and down to 360p, 320Kbps. 

这些都是数字,但它们实际上意味着钱. 它们意味着更多的人在观看, 这意味着更多的广告收入, 更多订阅收入, 更多的质量, 更满意, 成本更低. You know it's up to 60 percent lower cost per minute in terms of bandwidth. 

1月时: 我在Chrome上看了你的视频. You're saying it's OpenGL or whatever technology you mentioned. Where does the player or where does the decoder come from?

圭多Meardi: 在JavaScript中,我们有许多玩家. 我们已经集成了Shaka播放器,视频.JS,或THEOplayer等专业播放器. People have a range of options from Open Source—if they want to think we're Open Source--or professional players if they want professional players. 本质上 the JavaScript handles the coordination of the hardware blocks in order to make sure they are used properly. JavaScript中所做的事情本质上是非常少的. 大部分的处理都是在硬件中完成的. That's why we can also achieve 1080p60 encoding, even on phones. Actually, it’s as efficient or sometimes even more efficient than just encoding H.264.

1月时: So, you use a player that has your decoder integrated into it, like Open Telly or some of the other ones you mentioned. 一旦你有了这个,它就可以在任何浏览器中播放了. 

圭多Meardi: 还有最后的退路, because one of the things that we noticed with this deployment is that we were doing 1080p and the customer at the beginning was like, "Some of our devices are so old that they cannot decode 1080p, 甚至不是H.264. 所以我们现在应该把他们列入黑名单." And I said, "No, not a problem because PERSEUS has a hierarchical codec. The decoder automatically detects if the device is not powerful enough to do 1080p or UltraHD. It can scale back to a lower resolution and decode or adjust, for instance, the base codec.

以一种轻松的方式, 你可以提升品质, 提高分辨率和感知质量, 降低比特率. And you serve 100% of devices without fearing that you leave somebody behind. 

1月时: You've got the browser situation, what does it take to play PERSEUS on mobile? 

圭多Meardi: You can still use HTML5 if you want, or you can use native libraries like Exoplayer. 您可以使用AV Foundation的类型接口, or you can use professional players like THEOplayer or VisualOn. VisualOn也将面向HTML5. 本质上, you have the range of options between using native players if you want to tinker with open source, or professional players if you want kind of a unified player experience across devices. 

1月时: 在包装方面,会是DASH吗?

圭多Meardi: 对于包装,我们是完全中立的. 本质上, PERSEUS creates an MP4 or a TS, totally normal. 我们把珀尔修斯放在标准公告信息中. As long as you don't strip it, you use the normal packaging. For instance, right now we're deploying Wowza, we're deployed on standard packaging. The deployment we have right now are on HLS, but we can also do DASH for web. We are packaging neutral DRM because it's for all practical purposes at the encapsulation level.  

1月时: 盈利模式是什么? 你是怎么赚钱的?

圭多Meardi: So, first of all it doesn't require any enablement royalty. That's the important thing because we know that the big problem is that these guys are becoming important. Right now, manufacturers cannot pay dollars of royalties to enable these devices. Because it's too much versus the price of low-cost mobile devices. That's also why the industry reacted strongly to the fact that we needed royalty-free codecs. PERSEUS is actually already achieving that today without even necessarily changing the hardware. 因为所有的版税都已经在那里了. 所有必要的硬件都已经在那里了. 

There's only a licensing to use it, which is actually pretty low. It's the licensing that you would pay to use whatever professional software, because if you need to deploy a service to millions of people, 当然,这不是免费的. Either you do it yourself with a group of people and then you pay their salaries, 或者你需要花钱买软件. 你知道我们卖什么,我们授权的产品是可靠的, tested software with assistance that allows providers and people to stream quality services.

1月时: So, does that mean if I'm using THEOplayer I'm going to pay them something, 或者你也在其中? 

圭多Meardi: Right now, you would pay them and you would pay us, because we are separate; we don't bundle. But the concept is the same and our license would depend on the services. It can be a flat fee or it can be per stream or per user, per year. It depends on the business model of the customers, and on preferences. 但是,我们有一些模型并不令人惊讶. The other models are any add-on that you have from ad insertion analytics to audio codecs.

1月时: 编码端是什么样子的?

圭多Meardi: The encoding side is very simple, because if you have an FFmpeg-based workflow, very easy. You can still use an FFmpeg with the PERSEUS base codec. 如果你有专业的编码器, there are already a range of professional encoder solutions that integrated our libraries such as Imagine Communications, RealVideo, 和声和珀尔修斯1号分手了. For PERSEUS 2, there are many others that are coming that are about to be announced. 所以有很多选择. 一般来说,积分是很容易的. 

我们也有基于云的解决方案. 我们已经集成了Azure和AWS. We also have FPGA-based solutions for hyperscale operators in the Cloud with F1 instances. 正如我们在这里宣布的,我们正在与赛灵思合作. We're already also integrated with NGcodec for PERSEUS plus HEVC, PERSEUS plus VP9, H.264, AV1来了. 

1月时: Which partners have you announced that are actually using the codec in distribution at the show?

圭多Meardi: Here at the show, we announced the first American customer, which is very important. 到目前为止,我们在欧洲和亚洲都很活跃. 因此,我们非常自豪地宣布uCast. uCast, aside from being a young company, is backed by Canon, who's very important in the industry. I'm honored that the chairman and CEO immediately saw in PERSEUS something very cool to adopt for his own business.

I like their business a lot because they 本质上 want to expand the monetization of content owners. They immediately saw how important an impact PERSEUS could have on their business, because we can really expand the audience to improve the qualities and lower the cost. 我们为此感到自豪. 

We also have another couple of announcements coming that we couldn't finalize in time for NAB. But, a major player in Africa and also another one in the U.S. 即将到来的.  

1月时: This has been an NAB that was largely dominated by talk of AV1 and HEVC, and it's important to recognize that there are other alternatives out there. PERSEUS is one of the ones that have gotten the most traction.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

NAB Roundup: The State of HEVC, AV1, and Proprietary Codecs

H.264 still leads, HEVC is starting to gain traction, and AV1 had its coming-out party. To add to the confusion, other codecs offer alternatives to all three. 1月时 makes sense of all the codec news from this year's NAB.

NAB 2018: Bitmovin Talks Codec Comparison Test Findings

Bitmovin's Christian Feldmann talks with 流媒体's 1月时 about the AV1 encoding quality gains the company found in comparison to HEVC

NAB 2018: Reza Rassool演讲RealNetworks HD

RealNetworks CTO Reza Rassool discusses RealNetworks HD, 一个强大的, lightweight codec that's gained very substantial share in China and now is coming to the US. He also describes a report showing that his codec delivers better quality than HEVC.

NAB 2018: Capella Talks Software Encoding and Emerging Codecs

流媒体's 1月时 interviews Capella Systems' Ikuyo Yamada in the Capella booth at NAB and discusses HEVC, AV1, 和杜比视界.

NAB 2018:编码.com谈论现实世界中HEVC和VP9的使用

1月时 spoke with Greg Heil, CEO and co-founder of encoding.关于编码的结果.全球媒体格式报告(2017), particularly as it relates to the actual usage of HEVC and VP9 by Encoding.com的客户.

NAB 2018: Beamr's Tom Vaughan Talks Emerging Codec Uptake

流媒体's 1月时 interviews Beamr VP of strategy Tom Vaughan in the Beamr booth at NAB 2018 about HEVC and AV1

NAB 2018: Netflix的安妮·亚伦谈论采用AV1

流媒体's 1月时 interviews Netflix' Anne Aaron at the AV1 Coming Out Party at NAB 2018, where she discusses Netflix' plans for the codec as well as how HEVC will continue to play a prominent role.

NAB 2018:开放媒体联盟会谈AV1启动

流媒体's 1月时 interviews Alliance for Open Media executive director Gabe Frost at NAB 2018, 谈论AV1的发布, 它的未来, 以及它将如何与HEVC共存

NAB 2018: Mozilla谈论Daala、Firefox和AV1

Mozilla researchers Nathan Egge and Michael Bebenita discuss Daala's role in the AV1 codec, and how a codec can be developed without stepping on third-party IP. They also discuss early performance numbers and when AV1 decode will be available in Firefox.

NAB 2018: Stefan Lederer谈Bitmovin工具箱

流媒体's 1月时 interviews Bitmovin CEO Stefan Lederer in the Bitmovin booth at NAB 2018 to talk about the company's $30 million funding, AV1, 以及它新的基于机器学习的编码.
