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如果你向行业专家询问未来的流媒体格式, most will say they see a combination of MPEG-DASH for the majority of new platforms and HLS for iOS and legacy devices. 行动已经开始, 首先用DASH取代其他ABR格式, 比如HDS和Smooth Streaming, 哪些正在遭受无插件浏览器趋势的影响. The deprecation of the old Netscape Plugin API (NPAPI) in Chrome in September 2015 was the first major signal of this trend. As Microsoft didn’t want to issue a new version of the Silverlight plug-in using the new Chrome Pepper API (PPAPI), all content providers using Smooth Streaming through Silverlight-based players were forced to find an alternative. 他们中的一些人现在选择使用平滑流媒体,并使用hasplayer.j(叉状).js v1.2),可以通过媒体源扩展(MSE)播放平滑流媒体内容. 但出于几个原因,这是有风险的, 包括DRM支持, since PlayReady is not supported in Chrome and would instead require an on-the-fly translation to Widevine Modular DRM. 对于内容提供商来说,通过hasplayer提供清晰、流畅的流媒体.随着dash的演变,Js也不是一个理想的长期方法.Js偏离了框架最初提出的跨格式支持. All the concerned content providers are now working on migrating their Smooth players to DASH for the most recent platforms, 以及HLS的遗留平台, 比如Xbox 360, DASH支持需要额外开发的地方.


在流动的棋盘的另一边, HDS在2015年也遭受了Flash播放器在浏览器中的弃用. 虽然还没有正式公布, 几个浏览器, 包括Firefox, 出于安全原因暂时禁用Flash, 在Chrome中开始暂停不必要的Flash内容之后, 谷歌正致力于让广告行业转向HTML5. 如果谷歌在某个时候禁用嵌入Chrome的Flash引擎,那也不会让人感到意外. 随着Flash播放器越来越不流行, HDS格式正在逐渐失去优势, 尤其是因为市场上没有基于mse的HDS播放器, because Adobe has ceased all support effort behind OSMF and switched to HLS and DASH in Primetime. Facebook’s recent transition from a Flash-based player to an HTML5-based one is a confirmation of where the market is going: It’s HTML5 everywhere.

这一趋势显然危及除了HLS和DASH以外的所有ABR格式. 与它的媒体源扩展, HTML5 starts to provide the same kind of universal coverage that Flash provided a few years ago for FLV/ RTMP/HDS, 用JavaScript编写的播放器可以利用浏览器提供的MSE层,以及…… the Encrypted Media Extensions that allow DRM-protected content using Common Encryption (CENC) to be handled natively by the browser through Content Decryption Modules (CDM). 使用W3C WebCrypto API, MSE和EME正在打造Netflix在2013年所称的“HTML5高级视频扩展”.” The preeminence of this new technology stack over the old ones—at least in browsers—is not debatable anymore; the only question is how quickly others will be deprecated. MSE提供了高级流机制, 你可以很容易地编写一个跨平台支持DASH或HLS的JavaScript播放器, 这是一个杀手级功能.



MSE已经成为浏览器中的标准媒体栈. 它现在支持Chrome, Chrome Mobile, Windows 8上的微软IE11.1和Edge(支持HEVC), Firefox 42+, Safari Yosemite+和Opera. 在设备世界里, Chromecast和安卓手机, FireOS, Windows Phone, 或Opera设备SDK也支持mse. MSE没有涵盖的两个主要差距是遗留浏览器和iOS世界. 遗留浏览器, 仍然占据着30%的市场份额, 不会更新以支持MSE, 这意味着如果你想在这些平台上支持DASH, 你需要在你的播放器架构中使用基于flash的回退组件, 以及与mse兼容的JavaScript代码层. Castlabs and Bitmovin are among the vendors proposing such a Flash-based fallback for their commercial players, 但是它们不是开源的. Castlabs曾经开源了仪表盘.作为OSMF扩展, 但在2015年,该公司将精力集中在了其他开发项目上, 也没有人接管dash.as. 一些行业参与者, 由Streamroot领导, 2016年,你是否正在努力提供一个急需的开源替代方案, a Flash-based component mimicking the MSE API and allowing transparent fallback for HLS or DASH whenever MSE is not supported. 它将是开源项目的一个很好的伙伴.

阿克塞尔戴, Streamroot的 首席技术官, summarizes the project intent: “Having two codebases—one for Flash and one for HTML5—is a huge source of frustration and complexity for broadcasters. 大约一年前,我们内部开发了Flash MSE polyfill的雏形, 并决定开放这个项目的源代码, 鉴于Akamai和其他行业参与者的热情支持. This is really going to fill a gap in the market and bring us one step closer to putting Flash to rest.”


DASH的下一步是超越HLS,成为主流流媒体格式. 在2015年之前, 这几乎不可能发生, 因为这款游戏的玩家选择有限,核心功能也在不断进化. 开源的DASH玩家世界之前被总结为基于mse的DASH.js, 但在2015年,谷歌推出了面向MSE的Shaka Player, 哪一个因为对直播的大力支持而受到欢迎, also the establishment of Google’s ExoPlayer as the reference DASH player in the Android world. 尽管所有的商业实现都不是基于开源代码, 因为DASH播放器解决方案已经开花结果, 它们导致了DASH在商业玩家领域的显著扩张.

除了历史悠久的 Bitmovin Bitdash和 Castlabs DASH Everywhere实现, 我们已经看到所有主要玩家都将DASH作为支持的格式, 先从突出的 JW球员,以及…… Flowplayer, 创作, THEOplayer. 回到开源世界,我们看到了视频.积分折线.js, 更令人惊讶的是,来自广播公司的新一波捐款, 使用Canal+的rx-player和RTL的DASH PLAY. 这显示了广播界对DASH的浓厚兴趣, 超越了第一批采用者(Netflix), Hulu, 和其他人). 继Viaplay和其他主要DASH部署之后, 各大广播公司正在制定2016年的DASH迁移计划,这是一个公开的秘密, 现在技术已经稳定,HEVC的许可条款也越来越清晰. 考虑到DASH播放器在几乎所有平台上的广泛可用性, 现在,新推出的OTT服务更容易预先做出不同的技术选择, focus on a DASH-plus-HLS combo rather than using three or four different streaming technologies. If we combine wide DASH player choice with the growing DASH support availability on the major CDNs (in passthrough or repackaging modes) and the extensive offer of DASH-compliant packagers and origin servers, 我们达到了一个临界点,它将很容易生产, 分发, 并播放DASH,因为它可以与HLS.


在iOS上,DASH仍然被锁定. 虽然我们现在可以在区域应用商店中找到一些使用DASH作为流媒体格式的应用程序, 所有这些都适用于从DASH到HLS的本地重新包装. 唯一的例外是Netflix, 它播放ISO基础媒体文件格式(ISO- bmff)段无处不在,但在iOS6, 多亏了苹果公司的特殊安排. 在桌面上, Apple授权Netflix使用FairPlay DRM和使用CENC加密的DASH流, 但其他内容提供商还不能使用这种组合. 多亏了Netflix的压力, 苹果还将MSE引入了Safari桌面, 所以我们现在至少可以在这个平台上播放DASH流了. 但在iOS上, Safari移动版不支持MSE, playing DASH natively in compiled apps is still cause for applications being rejected in the App Store, 至少在3G/4G蜂窝用例中是这样. 在理论上, 如果你打算限制你的应用使用Wi-Fi, 你可以使用几乎任何流媒体技术和播放器组件. In 2015 we have seen the first native DASH playback SDKs for iOS: the Viblast Player iOS SDK for live and the DataArt MPEG-DASH Player iOS Application for on-demand. But there is still no obvious sign that the advances made by DASH through MSE on the Safari desktop platform will spread to Safari mobile. HLS will probably stay in the landscape—or at least the M3U8 playlists portion of it—for a long time.

尽管格式具有HLS和DASH的二元性, there are already some ways to alleviate the principal burden that affects content providers: having to produce two sets of media files to accommodate the HLS playlists and DASH manifests, 或mpd. 从版本四开始, 2011年9月发布, the HLS IETF Draft authorizes playing on-demand content using byte range requests that seek in a monolithic MP4 file. 它可以在iOS上运行,而无需在Safari手机上执行MSE, the same MP4 file can also be used in combination with DASH on-demand profile using a similar byte range approach. 今天, 剩下的问题是直播, HLS仍然要求使用TS段的地方, 因为在这种情况下不可能使用ISO-BMFF段. There is pressure from content providers and OTT services to achieve convergence for live streaming, 由于当前的模型成本更高,并且降低了媒体段的可缓存比率. It will probably be possible to produce live HLS playlists using the same ISO-BMFF segments as the live DASH manifests in just a few months from now. 苹果在HLS上的渐进式发展, 结合MP4字节范围和Safari桌面的MSE/DASH, 为行业所期待的统一媒体格式铺平道路.



虽然很少有公司使用dash - ts(主要在美国).S. cable industry—there was another alternative to ISO-BMFF media encapsulation with the WebM DASH specification proposed by the Google team on the WebM Project wiki. Google joined the DASH Industry Forum (DASH-IF) in 2014 but never proposed its WebM DASH specification for standardization alongside DASH-264 and DASH-265 interoperability points, 所以这种DASH风格的使用仅限于YouTube.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


As over-the-top video continues to grow in popularity—call it the "Netflix-ification" of the web—the streaming standards the industry relies on begin to feel the strain.


iOS and macOS announcements aren't the only things coming out of WWDC 2016: Apple announced that HLS will support fragmented MP4. 以下是为什么这对视频提供商来说意味着巨大的成本节约.


即将到来的DASH第三版将解决几个缺失的功能, 康卡斯特的一位首席架构师说, 并将降低直播视频延迟.


在流媒体东方, Iraj Sodagar, DASH行业论坛主席兼主席, 解释了版本3的内容.0.


呈现过去, 现在, 以及MPEG-DASH的未来, 这个标准正在悄无声息的革命中改变着整个视频领域.


With the rise of MPEG-DASH and the NAB-related announcements from both Microsoft and Adobe on the topic, we sat down with both companies to discuss the status of DASH support as well as their legacy ABR protocols, 平滑流和HDS


MPEG-DASH正在缓慢但肯定地成为HLS的主要竞争对手, 由主要参与者的采用和内在优势驱动. 下面是哪些人正在使用它,哪些人将很快使用它,还有哪些挑战需要解决.
