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Video: Protecting Your Assets With DRM As a Service

何塞:大家好,欢迎来到2017年纽约的流媒体东部. 我叫何塞·卡斯蒂略, and I'm joined here on the show floor by David Eisenbacher, EZDRM的首席执行官和联合创始人. David, thank you so much for joining us.

David: I always have a blast at 流媒体 East. 我也很高兴来到这里.

何塞:我知道,在纽约很有趣,可以和所有的行业人士一起玩. It's a beautiful place to be, but we're excited. First of all, tell me a little bit about EZDRM. Maybe there's some folks out there who don't know who you are. 你的公司是什么,你在市场上的区别是什么?

大卫:没问题. EZDRM started in the early days of the online media. 我们从2000年开始.

何塞:那是很久以前的事了. That's like a sequoia tree in the ages.

大卫:是的. We had 300Kbps streaming for Windows Media Player. 它只是起作用了. 但这仅仅是个开始. We decided to do DRM即服务 to allow our clients, who really are just content owners as well as online services. 他们的商业模式是内容,以及内容对最终观众的体验. DRM不应该是一片巨大的乌云,或者是他们不得不担心的未知的盒子. They should be able to easily add into their systems, 他们已经有cdn了, 他们已经有编码器了, and they should be able to add DRM part of their workflow, and they had to invest in 基本上 these point solutions, 'til they came up as a hosted DRM即服务, and we've been just helping our clients grow. We're like putting gasoline on the fire.

何塞:太棒了. 这是优秀的. 我们事先列出了一系列问题,我们有一些很棒的话题. CMAF, DRM即服务, 以MPEG DASH为标准, 工作室的指导方针, 我们会把这些都讲完, 但是首先, CMAF. 就像C-PAP一样,就像你睡觉用的机器,帮助你晚上睡觉,还是 ...? No. No. No.

大卫:肯定比那简单. That's Common Media Application Framework, 和真正的, 而不是每个供应商, 你有微软, 有Adobe, 你有谷歌, 你有RealNetworks. 每个都有自己的格式. 有了SmoothStream,有了HTTP,有了RTMP,每个人都在尝试重新发明轮子. 最终, 你们必须团结起来, 所以这都是关于标准的, 这一切都是关于一个在网络上拥有媒体的通用框架, 因为发明新的协议, 只有工程师才觉得性感, 这对企业来说并不诱人.


大卫:有一个共同的框架, with standards where we all vote on and agree on, and that actually makes the content owners' lives much simpler. They don't have to have seven different versions of their content. 他们可以有一个, 将其绑定到普通加密中, 然后是实际的端点, 实际设备, is able to work by its native abilities.

何塞:明白了. 现在,我知道,任何时候你试图让100只猫去一个地方,这并不总是奏效. How do you feel that the industry as a whole is ... 每个人都在一起吗?? 每个人都很友好吗?? 这是真的吗?



大卫:是的. 我们有共同的目标. The common goal is to make the content owners happy, 为了让我们, 他们也是消费者, 在网上有更好的体验吗. 我可以用我的电脑, 我可以用我的平板电脑, and I want to view my content and not worry about, 你知道, 我没法在这个设备上看, because the content's only available via certain standards.

何塞:明白了. 跟我谈谈DRM作为一种服务,和其他的选择. What are the positives, the downsides of DRM即服务?

大卫:没问题. 所以,drm是一种服务. At the end of the day, they're two trains of thoughts. 拥有它, 内部构建, 或者在使用基本功能的时候有运营成本, and not having to actually build everything from ground up. 我的意思是, you don't build your own encoder anymore. You would use Cisco, Harmonic, or all the encoders out there. 你可以统一流媒体, 你有比特币, 你得到了Wowza, 所有这些流媒体服务器, 然后使用CDN. 你有炼金术,你有关卡3,你有所有这些不同的cdn. So, having those operational entities as part of your workflow, DRM是有意义的, 基本上把它作为一个组件, 而且不用自己动手.

是的, 如果你是, 比如Netflix或Verizon, where you already have the infrastructure, 然后是的, 这在早期是有道理的, 你建造了它, 你拥有它, 你有它. 但现在, 越来越多的OTT系统, to where they are more focused around the content, and the workflows are being done in the cloud anyway, 通过AWS或类似的东西, 它只是让他们在第一天就能真正进入业务和市场, instead of having to lengthen their cycles.

何塞:明白了. For those of you watching on Facebook Live, 如果你有问题, 请在下面的评论中留言, 我们会讲到这些问题. 接下来,我想谈谈作为标准的MPEG DASH. 你对此有什么看法??

David: That is also the same thing like CMAF, 基本上,不是让每个供应商都推出自己的协议, 你知道, 自己的特制酱料. 我是说,规矩一点都不性感. 这不是. 我的意思是, 在一天结束的时候, 提供OTT服务的内容所有者只是希望能够流媒体播放他们的内容, have a format that works across all devices. This was the basis around the DASH IF. We've been a partner with them for years. 每一天, 它会变得更强, 'cause everyday we're adding more organizations, 因此我们有更多的意见, that can only help the process and not hurt it.

何塞:明白了. 相似吗?, 你知道, 我将再次使用猫的类比, 你喜欢的地方, maybe there's some folks that are not adopting this, 或者其他. 你怎么能把所有人聚在一起,然后说,嘿,这就是那个人? Or is it just becoming naturally clear as people see it?

大卫:一切都清楚了. It's also, people are leaving their religion at the door. 他们带着一个共同的目标来到这里,那就是他们希望自己的生活变得简单, 他们希望事情顺利进行, 但是是的, 他们都有自己的要求. 他们都有自己的需求. 你可以做运动, you could be doing events that are live, or you can have like reruns of the Simpsons. 基本上, 你们都有不同的需求,因为你们的观众参与内容的方式有点不同. 因此, by having more people that are part of this, 让我们思考, 好吧, 这是我的需求, 但这些也是你现在的需求, and allows us to have a framework that is open. We're always expanding the feature set. 我们一直在通过更多的投入来扩大对它的额外支持.

何塞:太棒了. Talk to me a little bit about 工作室的指导方针, and now a lot of these folks are saying, “嘿, we want to take content and put it out there,工作室说, “嘿. 这是你要做的.“这对你们在市场上做生意有什么影响?

大卫:好吧. 多年来,从2000年到2005年,2010年,直到现在,数字版权管理一直起伏不定. At first, it was very simple, 'cause there was only one player. 是微软. You're on PC, you all have Windows Media Player. 因此在一天结束的时候, 说起来很容易, 你想要DRM, 没有问题, 因为它很管用. 然后它变得非常分散. You had RealNetworks’ Helix, you had Adobe, you had ... 甚至Sun也有DRM系统. Everyone wanted to have the best platform, 基本上, 然后说, here's why you have to use our special sauce, 因此, 一切都变得支离破碎. 你必须选择,如果我在使用这项技术,这是我需要它工作的方式. 如果我在使用这种技术 ... 因此,它变得过于复杂.

做这件事的都是大工作室,因为他们投入了大量精力和金钱. 现在数字版权管理, 通过CMAF和通用加密, 只是标准, 每个人的喜欢, 好吧, DRM现在很简单. 它就是有效的, 现在DRM也不再是障碍了, 所以这是强制性的, because it's not a hindrance to that viewership, and you have the studios plus you also have the small people. Anyone who makes content has a value in their content, 因此, 它应该受到保护, 保护并不意味着你实际上限制了这种体验, 它只是确保您在保护您的资产,并允许您想要查看它的观众, 来查看它.

何塞:优秀. Talk to me a little bit about 流媒体 East. 我们在演出现场. 再一次。, 它是世界上找到任何你需要知道的关于在线视频的最好的地方之一. 到目前为止,你在展会上看到了哪些让你感兴趣的东西,或者是新的或令人兴奋的东西?

大卫:是的. I come here wanting to meet a lot of my partners I have currently, as well as to walk the trade floor to see anything new, because there's always someone who has an idea, 然后产生新的东西. IBM Cloud, they've actually bought a few of the companies together, and have a more complete A-to-Z solution depending on your needs. 所以看到事物是如何发展的,它们也在成熟.

何塞:明白了. What about your clients and the folks here, what are you hearing? There's always a buzz about something.


何塞:那是什么话题? 是特定的软件、硬件吗? 这是一个政治话题吗? What are the things that your hearing right now?

大卫:有HEVC,有AV1,还有VP9,所以现在就像,好吧,基本上,它是 ... 在一天结束的时候,我们都会做预算,所以我们基本上都想用更少的钱做更多的事. 所以更好的压缩标准, 以及压缩标准的变化意味着我在CDN上的存储空间更少了. 他们只是想找出下一个真正被采用的标准是什么, 基本上, 你会有VP9吗, 他们有AV1, 但要找出什么是新的调味料,使他们的内容成为其中之一, 在4 k, 看起来真的有4K, 没有编解码器的阻碍, 还有周围的储物空间.

何塞:太棒了. 实际上,我们有一些来自希腊的观众,大家好,希腊的朋友们.


何塞:尤金·费雪的问题是如何解决教堂或礼拜场所的问题. Have you worked with any of those type of folks? 有什么解决办法吗??

大卫:是的. 因此, 正如我所说的, 内容保护和数字版权管理不仅仅适用于迪士尼和华纳兄弟, it's for anyone who does an online presence. 是的, we actually have clients that are in education space, as well as they are also part of religious services, because not everyone can make it to church, as well as they will do additional sermons or meetings online. 他们在网上流媒体播放,基本上DRM作为一种服务很容易与之联系在一起, because it's just one of the easier check boxes for it to be done.

何塞:太棒了. I hope that answers your question, Eugene. 如果没有,请与EZDRM或流媒体中的任何一个人联系. We'll be glad to answer your questions more.

David Eisenbacher, CEO, co-founder from EZDRM. I really appreciate you coming out today.


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