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了解更多关于SRT和远程生产的信息 流媒体东连接2021.


乔治赫伯特: What if I said there was a better way to get rid of the last barrier that videoconferencing gives us--limited control over the quality of video and audio that we have? 我觉得有更好的办法, and this is exactly what we've been doing here at Epiphan for our own internal content creation for just about a year. 现在,我介绍并建议使用SRT进行这种高质量的传输.

对于那些不熟悉的人来说,SRT代表安全可靠的传输. 这是一个由海视科技开发的低延迟协议, 漂亮的网络和防火墙友好, 最重要的是安全, 因为它提供了加密功能, and the possibility of using the internet we use every day and using lower-cost products and easier cost of entry to replace the older, 传统卫星卡车.

So, 而不是花几百万买卫星卡车, 如果我们可以用我们可能已经拥有并在许多情况下实现的东西来做呢, 更好的结果? 我们可以把同样的理念应用到视频会议上.

SRT的优点之一就是, unlike some of the more traditional streaming protocols like RTMP--where you just kind of throw it at the wall and hope it sticks--SRT is much more advanced in some of the other features it has. 它确实有从A点到B点的传统视频和音频流, but it also has a secondary data channel as a back channel with diagnostic and packet recovery 信息 that allows us to gain a lot of stats about what's happening. 我们可以看看统计数据,看看我们的往返时间.

We can look at our packet loss percentage and we can make decisions based on those numbers to see the quality of our connection and adjust it as necessary. 这给了我们很多力量和力量, and it means that we can bring that latency way down compared to some of the other things. 对于传统的广播电视,我们习惯了5-8秒的延迟. 当我们看其他流类型时, 它们就在那个空间里, 有些人的关系更牢固. 即使在较弱的连接上,SRT也有可能低于100毫秒. 很有可能在1秒之内. 这些都是我们可以用合适的技术轻松实现的.

至于从创建到使用的总延迟, 当然,这里总会有一些加法, 当我们添加CDN时, 可能会增加一些转码, 但是我们可以缩短这条链的每一部分, 它最终缩短了整个链条, 希望. 如果我们能从像SRT这样的低延迟开始,那真的很有帮助.

I think the other thing that's really exciting about SRT is that it is backed by the SRT Alliance, 在这一点上由450多个成员组成. 这些都是公司, 他们中的许多人今天在这里都有代表, 他们正在共同努力,让这项技术真正发光发热. 这里是Epiphan Video, 我们是联盟的一员, 就像我们在Wowza等网站上的许多朋友一样, BirdDog, 等等....... This means that every now and then these companies get together and play in a sandbox to figure out how to interop this. 因为他们正在使用这项技术, 它使不同产品之间的互操作更加容易, 无论是硬件编码器, 就像我们做的, 无论是cdn, 或者他们是否是相机制造商. 但是能够把这些都集中在一个协议上是非常令人兴奋的.

那么,我们如何通过SRT引入远程客户机呢? 这是最终的问题,也是我想要提出的. 我们怎么能做到这一点, 在这种情况下,我们可以发送一个远程硬件编码器, 我代表我们的珍珠Nano, 我们最新的小型硬件编码器. 我们将摄像机和音频——希望是高质量的——插入到编码器中. 它会把SRT远程发送到我们的生产中心.

在我们的案例中,我代表我们的生产中心与Pearl-2合作. Pearl-2可以吸收SRT流, 也许可以添加一些其他生产元素,并将其发送回最终目的地, 也许是另一种流类型, 也许在SRT中也有. 同时去多个目的地,无论你需要什么.

如果我们需要将其扩展到多个来宾, 然后我们将有多个端点和多个远程贡献编码器. 在这个例子中,展示了几个珍珠纳米, 所有这些都反馈到我们的集中生产中心, it can then do all the mixing and switching between these different streams and then record and stream on to the final destination.

人们会说:“好吧,这在纸面上看起来很棒,但实际上是谁在做呢??" We use this, and I'm going to show you exactly how we do this, and describe to you how we do this. 但一年前一切都变得疯狂的时候, 我们开始和大多数人一样, 然后立刻转向极速. 我们已经是Zoom的客户了,用它做了一年多的事情. That made our transition to work-from-home instantaneous, and we were very lucky to have that. 我们开始以这种方式进行内容创作, 但是很快地, we were very unsatisfied with the quality of the image and the audio that we were getting from Zoom. 我们想找到一个更好的方法. It just so happened that we were already in the process of rolling out SRT into our hardware encoders.

对于我们这些做内容创作的人来说, we distributed those encoders to our homes--many of us had them anyway--and we started using SRT as our workflow. 这使我们能够充分利用我们的个人互联网连接, 提高视频和音频的整体质量. 我们为制作做出了贡献,这带来了巨大的不同. I cannot tell you the comments I get about how good our productions look compared to what they were. 我们昨天开了一个两小时的网络研讨会, 我们得到了不停的评论,说它有多好,质量有多高. 这都要感谢我们使用SRT来传递它的方式.

我们仍然使用Zoom, but we use it as only a backchannel of audio communication so that our remote multiple remote participants can communicate in real time. Those remote participants are also sending an SRT stream with their high-quality camera and high-quality audio through SRT, 进入我们的主要工作室制作中心, using a Pearl-2 where it then mixes and switches between all of that content and then sends it back out to the final destination. 这使得大多数人很容易设置. 我们甚至可以预先配置这些远程贡献编码器. 我用这种方式参加了一些网络研讨会和内容创作. 当我们在这里做的时候, 你知道, 我们在渥太华的员工都是本地的, 加拿大地区, 100毫秒的延迟对我来说很容易. 当我需要从加州办公室找个人来的时候, 我们需要把它提高到200毫秒. 我参加了我们在欧洲的一些分销合作伙伴的网络研讨会, 从我家向比利时发送SRT流. For that, I've had to go to 300 milliseconds to play it safe, but that's still pretty fast. The worst case I've been involved in is bringing in some of our friends at BirdDog in Australia to join us on a webinar. 他们的联系不是很好,而且是在世界的另一边. 最坏的情况是500毫秒. 这对我们的内容传递方式产生了巨大的影响.

This has been a fantastic experience for someone who stares into camera lenses a lot during the day, 它可以非常, 很好.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Uncle Toad's Chris Steblay discusses discusses how SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) has enabled Uncle Toad and other small broadcasters to move into REMI production and reduce on-site crew and other production expenses in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2022.


作为一个度规, 苹果的高级视频质量工具(AVQT)也有一些亮点, but it's hard to see it bumping VMAF or SSIMPLUS from real-world workflows without a lot more verification.


随着Zoom和其他视频会议应用程序主导我们的专业互动, and remote productions and presentations remain a necessary alternative in-person conferences and other events, 网络摄像头视频通常是我们远程连接中最薄弱的环节. Anthony burrokas推荐其他的相机来源——智能手机, 数码单反相机, 以及更好的网络摄像头——并解释了如何让它们工作.


Stream4us' Anthony Burokas offers best practices for making remote guests in multi-source live productions look and sound their best in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect.


Mediasite VP of Customer Success Bill Cherne offers tips on how to use video for team-building and improving morale while the pandemic continues to mandate remote work for most organizations in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect.


Pandemic-era social distancing and the pivot to remote production have brought Zoom into the mix for many live producers who might have never used it before. Live X的科里·本克, SLV Live的肖恩·林报道, and LiveSports LLC's Jef Kethley discuss how Zoom has entered their workflows in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2020.


Video Rx CTO Robert Reinhardt discusses the benefits and drawbacks of SRT (Secure Reliable Transport) in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 West 2018.

视频:第一眼——Epiphan Pearl-2

Epiphan's David Kirk gives 百家乐软件app最新版下载's Tim Siglin the skinny on Epiphan's new 4K-capable streaming appliance, 珍珠2号, 2016年流媒体西部.


Epiphan Pearl是一个小的, 双输入, touchscreen-driven video recording and streaming device for lecture or presentation capture. 本教程详细介绍了如何使用Pearl流式传输和捕获实时演示文稿.
