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Haivision and KulaByte Make Cloud Encoding Easy and Effective

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Cloud-encoding is a booming areas for online video, 随着公司意识到上传他们的视频片段并让专家处理制作多个编码的繁琐工作更高效、更经济. 蒙特利尔 Haivision has been generating a lot of buzz in that area since it acquired KulaByte in July, 2011. 最近在纽约举行的流媒体东部会议上, 彼得·马格, chief marketing officer for Haivision, 坐下来接受红毯采访,讨论为什么海视的解决方案更高效.

"Cloud transcoding certainly, it's a great move in the market. Because with cloud transcoding, 将自适应比特率引入云和跨cdn, 编码器必须创建所有不同的情况, all of the different bitrates, and send those over the uplink to the CDN,马格说。. “从上行链路上的源编码器到互联网需要大量带宽."

人们认为云编码所需的上传非常耗时, but Maag notes that that's actually one of its efficiencies.

“有了云转码,你只需要发送一个高质量的流. 还有转码器, where network resources and where computing power is abundant, will create the different renditions in the cloud. 所以它为那些想要提供最高质量的客户创造了很多效率,马格补充道。.

To view the entire red carpet interview, scroll down.

特洛伊德雷尔: Hi. 这是特洛伊德雷尔, StreamingMedia的高级副编辑.com. 我现在站在纽约流媒体东部大会的红地毯上, 彼得·马格也加入了, chief marketing officer of Haivision. Thank you for joining me today.

彼得·马格:是啊, thank you very much, Troy.

特洛伊德雷尔: One of the big topics of the show has been cloud transcoding. I know that's a big area for Haivision.


特洛伊德雷尔: You've got something called HyperStream. Tell us all what HyperStream is.

彼得·马格:是啊. 好吧, HyperStream实际上来自海视去年收购的KulaByte, KulaByte对海视来说非常重要,因为它带来了很多互联网流媒体, 为我们的产品集和客户群提供顶级流媒体功能. And what HyperStream is, KulaByte is a software-based encoder and transcoder, making it very easy to deploy in the cloud. HyperStream是一个封装在EC2上的云转码和在Akamai HD上的CDN传输. And with HyperStream as a software-as-a-service, as a user-managed service, users can very easily go in on their own, provision cloud transcoding, 抓住他们的消息来源, create the ABR or 自适应比特率, 在云中提供多个版本,以便交付给全球任何地方的用户. So, 这实际上是对市场上一些问题的简化, 特别是对于海视的客户和机构市场来说,这大大简化了向全球观众提供流媒体服务的能力.

特洛伊德雷尔: 现在,我们谈论了很多关于云转码,但是为什么有人需要云转码呢?

彼得·马格: Cloud transcoding certainly, it's a great move in the market. Because with cloud transcoding, 将自适应比特率引入云和跨cdn, 编码器必须创建所有不同的情况, all of the different bitrates, and send those over the uplink to the CDN. 这需要从上行链路上的源编码器到互联网的大量带宽. 使用云转码,您只需要发送一个高质量的流. 还有转码器, where network resources and where computing power is abundant, will create the different renditions in the cloud. 所以它为那些想要提供最高质量的客户创造了很多效率.

特洛伊德雷尔: 好吧. So we're sold on cloud transcoding. 现在, why do we choose HyperStream?

彼得·马格: 好吧, HyperStream, it really simplifies things. 所以,你可以进去,流管理员将设置流参数. 他们可以使用预设, 是他们安排的, they can tune the ABR, 自适应比特率, a bundle of five for Flash, another bundle of five for the Apple devices, 高调, 主要配置文件, 并真正调整事物,这样你就可以通过云获得最佳质量. 现在, once all that's set up, 用户只需要在我们的任何贡献设备上点击一个按钮,然后通过云连接起来. 所以它真的,真的简化了任何想要做一个全球流媒体事件的人的事情.

特洛伊德雷尔: So who's the target audience for HyperStream?

彼得·马格是的,当然. The target audience for HyperStream is really any company. 任何想在网站上做大型视频的人,都需要大量的转码. A typical company could be Haivision. 我们是一家165人的公司,我们有一个全球培训渠道,我们必须一直做活动. We have all-hands meeting and training for our customers. So, 拥有一个可以简单地在任何规模上执行流媒体的源设备真的非常有吸引力, really for any organization. 海视专注于医疗和教育市场,企业市场,甚至军事市场. 所有这些市场都在寻找简单的方式将视频传播给大量的观众.

特洛伊德雷尔: How does someone get started with it? What are the basic steps for getting started with HyperStream?

彼得·马格: Oh, that's another good question. Internet streaming isn't very simple for the masses, right? So although that HyperStream Live, as a user-managed service, automates all of this, 我们强烈建议大家使用我们位于奥斯汀的HyperStream团队, the Kula Kids as I call them, to really help the clients through their first streaming event. 提供源编码器,让流继续,提供播放器. 然后在那之后, 用户实际上可以以非常低的成本进入并自己管理服务.

特洛伊德雷尔: This is clearly a completely new game for Haivision. 贵公司的总体战略是什么? HyperStream是如何融入其中的?

彼得·马格那很好. 对于Haivision, before we ran into the KulaByte crowd, 我们知道把我们的视频信息提供给大众是至关重要的. 所以HyperStream, KulaByte,所有这些技术,实际上现在是我们公司的基础. 我们正在为我们所有的Makito编码器建立互联网流媒体功能, all of our Furnace IP Video systems, into markets that are massively thirsty for these capabilities. 对于海视科技, 这对我们来说是一个全新的领域——以前我们专注于通过热点局域网、卫星网络或非常热的网络在防火墙内提供端到端解决方案. 现在, with HyperStream and KulaByte, 我们专注于通过公共互联网为尽可能多的用户提供端到端解决方案, 到任何设备.

特洛伊德雷尔: 这对海视科技目前的产品或客户有什么影响吗?

彼得·马格: Oh, it impacts everybody. Everybody across the board. Like I said, everybody's looking for these capabilities. Everybody wants a very simple approach to internet streaming. They might have one event, they might have a repetitive monthly event, they might have events every week, but this is fundamental technologies that they're looking for. We have encoders in operating rooms, 在教室, 在军事基地, in every institutional market throughout the world, 所有这些人都渴望通过互联网将视频信息实时传输到移动设备上, 在任何人身上. 所以这对我们所有的产品和客户来说都是至关重要的. It's a really, really interesting move in the market.

特洛伊德雷尔: 有趣的. 好吧, thank you so much for joining me.

彼得·马格:是啊, Troy, thank you very much.

特洛伊德雷尔: 这是来自流媒体东部的特洛伊·德雷尔在红毯上的报道.


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