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This is another installment in our series of "是什么...?”文章, designed to offer definitions, 历史, 以及围绕在线视频行业的重要术语和问题的背景.

If you plan to distribute premium content from the major U.S. 工作室, you'll need to encrypt that content, 这通常意味着您必须部署一种或多种数字版权管理(DRM)技术. As you'll learn in this article, 而从Flash和Silverlight等插件到HTML5播放的许多方面都简化了视频分发, the shift has made the DRM side much more complex, though new services and service models are available to help.

Before getting to the implementation side, 让我们定义DRM, 看看它与其他不那么复杂的内容保护方案(如简单加密)的区别. 在本质上, there are four components to DRM; digital rights to manage, 加密, 许可证管理, a DRM-enabled client.

Digital Rights to Manage—DRM technologies enable a broad range of 商业模式, 包括购买, 订阅, 租赁, 和礼物, enable playback on single and multiple platforms via streaming, downloading or sideloading, 并提供播放限制,防止或启用通过HDMI输出等播放.

加密,DRM技术使用加密技术在流之前或流期间保护内容, downloading or other transfer.

许可证管理,数字版权管理需要一个数字版权管理平台来管理许可证的申请和发放(图1). Some also incorporate domain controllers, 哪个管理可以在单个许可下播放内容的多个用户设备, 和计量服务器,跟踪使用数据和总播放为版税目的.

图1. Components of PlayReady DRM. Note that not all DRM technologies utilize the concept of domains.

支持drm的播放器DRM的最后一个要素是能够与DRM平台通信并执行所有与软件和硬件相关的播放限制的DRM播放器. For computer and notebook playback, 一些drm使用现有的插件,如Adobe Access和Flash或PlayReady和silverlight,而其他技术, like 谷歌都 Classic, require a separate download, 这是谷歌停止更新这项技术的原因之一吗. As discussed in more detail later, 业界正在通过媒体源扩展(MSE)和加密媒体扩展(EME)从基于插件的DRM转向基于浏览器的DRM。, where the DRM must be integrated into the browser.

在移动设备上,DRM支持可以来自本机浏览器或可下载的应用程序. 例如, iOS devices support Apple's DRM FairPlay via the Safari browser, but you can use other DRMs if you distribute via a custom app. 通常, 智能电视, 奥特盒子, 和其他消费电子设备有一个或多个DRM技术预先集成到平台中. 

Before getting too deep into our discussion, 让我们确定主要的DRM技术和外围提供关键DRM相关功能的公司.


让我们从提供实际DRM的公司开始,其中一些我们已经讨论过了. The main streaming-related DRM providers are:

  • Adobe黄金时段—Adobe's DRM started its life as Access, then Adobe changed the name to Adobe黄金时段 DRM, but they have since reverted back to Access. Access is primarily accessed in the browser via Flash, or via HTML5 in Mozilla Firefox, 但几乎只针对那些同时获得Adobe黄金时段平台授权的公司.
  • Apple FairPlay Streaming (FPS)fps是苹果的DRM HTTP 在线直播 (HLS) and it works on iOS, Apple TV, Safari on OS X. 苹果将FairPlay授权给内容所有者和一些付费平台运营商. DRM Vendors can offer FairPlay 加密 and licensing, but they must get a certificate from the content owner, who in turn gets it from Apple.
  • 谷歌都—There are two versions of Widevine: Classic, which is available only via a downloadable player, 和模块化, which works with HTML5 in Google Chrome and Android Devices. As mentioned, Classic has been deprecated. 目前,模块化仅适用于DASH,但很快将支持CENC下的HLS.
  • DivX -现在由Neulion拥有,DivX在消费电子设备中具有重要的渗透. 
  • Intertrust马林—An open standard DRM from the Marlin Developer Community, which was founded by Intertrust, 松下, 飞利浦, 三星, 和索尼. Also focused on consumer electronics devices
  • 微软PlayReady—Works with the Silverlight player on older browsers, 或者在最新版本的ie浏览器(Windows 8)上使用HTML5.1+)和Microsoft Edge. Also used in the Xbox, many other 智能电视 和OTT设备.
  • Veramatrix VCAS-为付费电视分销商提供的混合解决方案,这些分销商也希望将节目分发到电脑上, 移动, 和OTT设备.

围绕这些核心drm的是许多分销和技术合作伙伴/服务提供商. 如你所知, DRM needs a licensing function, each DRM vendor provides these functions differently—some directly, some with a network of third party value-added resellers.

Many companies also touch the DRM workflow, 从对内容文件进行加密的本地和云编码供应商,到帮助开发与许可服务器对话以检索解密密钥并播放视频文件的视频播放器供应商. 我们将研究其中的一些供应商,并在深入了解DRM的工作原理之后讨论如何选择DRM技术.


Now that we've defined DRM, let's take a quick look at how DRM technologies generally work, borrowing images from a DRM service named DRM今天. 第一步是从DRM提供程序获得加密密钥,或者创建加密密钥并将其上传到DRM平台. These are used to encrypt the video, 解密密钥和相关的元数据发送到播放器可以访问的许可服务器. 这种加密可以防止在没有解密密钥的情况下回放内容, making it safe to transport to the end user via the internet.

图2. The first step in DRM is 加密. (Image courtesy of DRM今天)

对于大多数drm,外部产品或服务可以执行加密和封装 图2. 例如, cloud encoders like 编码.com 是否可以与DRM平台进行通信,获取加密密钥对授权内容进行加密和打包, as can many enterprise level encoders like 电影《百家乐app下载》英文名 编码器, Wowza流媒体引擎, Telestream有利. 除了, 大多数DRM服务提供单独的编码工具来加密和打包视频,并将密钥发送到DRM平台. 加密后,受保护的内容被传送到web服务器进行分发.

When a customer plays the content, 玩家将许可请求发送给内容所有者的代理,代理与客户网站上运行的认证过程进行通信. Once the customer's website validates the user's rights to the content, 代理与DRM平台进行通信,创建许可证/解密密钥,然后返回给客户的代理,最终返回给用户的播放器(图3). In the case of content downloaded for offline playback, this verification occurs before the download as well, with any playback rights and restrictions transmitted as well.

图3.  要播放视频,DRM播放器需要从许可证服务器获得解密密钥. (Image courtesy of DRM今天)

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