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创作 Launches Video Monetization Suite for Revenue Creation

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Recognizing the importance for broadcasters to monetize their online video, OVP 创作 has announced a suite of tools for targeted ad delivery and other revenue-creation options. Called the Smart Video Monetization Suite, it includes offerings for in-player advertising, over-the-top (OTT) video, 订阅, transaction management, 和联合.

The idea behind the suite is that broadcasters can create a comprehensive strategy for making money from their content across devices using one set of tools. The suite is based on 创作's Video Operating System, and works with third-party solutions found in the company's partner marketplace, 创作交换.

Ad-delivery tools include VAST- and VPAID-compliant native ad players, server-side ad stitching to eliminate buffering, and the ability to target different viewers within a household. 对于OTT提供商, 创作 has a turnkey Netflix-like portal which includes subscription management, 支付网关, 计费工具. The portal supports A/B testing and allows for real-time campaign monitoring. 创作 also offers modular OTT and TV Everywhere solutions for larger pay TV companies that already have an OTT infrastructure or partners they prefer to work with. Pay TV providers can then mix-and-match components to create the OTT offering they prefer.

创作 will be showing the suite at next week's NAB conference in Las Vegas, 内华达, 在SU9713号展位.

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