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NAB 2023: Atomos谈论NDI和幕府连接

在NAB 2023的前几周,Atomos发布了5项公告: 索尼CI云集成,发布新的 基于云计算的编辑器, a 处理Streamonix 一个新的流媒体试点项目 Atomos Cloud Studio的首次亮相,也许最重要的是NDI支持其CONNECT监控记录仪,包括流行的 将军连接. 流媒体特约编辑肖恩·林 of SLV生活 caught up with Atomos SVP Product Paul Scurrell at the Atomos booth to get the inside scoop on what's new at Atomos and what the new developments will mean to streaming producers.


“让我们从NDI开始,”肖恩说. “这是你正在接受的技术之一, and you have 新产品 that works with some of your existing products and some of the new ones. 我们来研究一下." 

“这对我们来说是一个非常令人兴奋的创新,”斯科雷尔说. “我们有一大堆新的联网产品, 我们说的是幕府将军连接, which is fully integrated seven-inch monitor-recorder with the connected features. And we've got the Ninja 5 and the Ninja 5+ with the Atomos CONNECT module on the back. Both of those products can connect to Atomos Cloud Studio for a whole host of different services, 我们可以分开讨论吗. 也因为他们有网络连接, 他们也可以进入NDI模式, 因此它们可以作为NDI传输源与NDI| hx2. 所以你能有效地记录真是太棒了, 并且有一个可以在本地录制的源, 然后你可以把它写成an NDI TX源 插入任何ndi兼容的设备."

Atomos Shogun CONNECT

"So we're essentially taking in standard copper like HD-SDI and HDMI sources like we traditionally have been able to do in these products,Lam回答道, “但现在我们可以通过网络输出它们, 通过抗利尿, 到其他工作流中. 这样的人太多了,对吧?"

“有太多了,”斯库雷尔表示赞同. "And we are quite unique in this category because we are a highly accomplished, 人们一直在使用的独立监控记录仪. And we are mobile--it can be battery-operated a lot of the time it's on mobile rigs. 我们有最好的以太网和最好的Wi-Fi - 6. So for the first time we can be really a mobile NDI I device to any HDMI and, as you say, SDI source. 它真的很强大."


“目前不是作为一名记录员. 但这是即将到来的. 但是第一个, we want to NDI I transmit because then we can be a video source into so many different devices--hundreds of thousands of devices now."

“因此增加了NDI I能力,林问道。, 只需在后面添加一个附加模块即可, 正确的? Just kind of a dummy battery adapter type of thing--is that how it works?"

“其实比这更简单,”斯库雷尔解释道. “将军CONNECT已经内置了所有的连接功能, 所以这实际上是一个固件软件升级. 售价99美元,但产品已经联网. 当然,忍者也是一样. 如果你的忍者背面有我们性价比高的CONNECT模块, 然后连接起来,不需要其他硬件. 你只需要一次性支付激活费用就可以了."


如前所述,Atomos也一直在扩展其云服务. "We've talked a bit about ethernet connectivity, about copper wire connectivity," Lam says. “让我们进入云端吧. 这是什么连接部分? 你还有什么其他能力? 你的云是什么??"

"We originally launched the cloud and our connected products one year ago at NAB [2022],斯库雷尔回忆道. "They've come on so much this year and we are launching a whole load of new services. 为了给你们一个完整的概述,我们有一个叫做 Atomos Cloud Studio, which is almost the umbrella term for our cloud offering that our connected products talk to. 我们有一种产品叫做 Zato连接. 我们有将军和忍者. 这三个产品可以连接到Atomos Cloud Studio. 然后你可以决定你想用它做什么. Once you've paired it and you are in Atomos Cloud Studio with those devices, 然后你可以直接流到社交频道. 你可以直接从设备上流媒体到YouTube或Twitch. 您可以决定成为相机到云工作流程的一部分."

Another product Atomos launched last year in conjunction with Adobe is a firmware update to CONNECT devices to enable Frame.io相机到云工作流程. 这为数码单反创造了一个直接的渠道, 数字影院, 无反光镜相机可以将捕获的媒体直接传送到邮局.

“这是非常成功的,”斯库雷尔说. "That's been rolling out for the last few months and has many, many different use cases. People are using the same equipment, but in a different use case for camera to cloud. 我们刚刚宣布了与索尼CI媒体云的合作, which again provides the same way of getting content directly from a camera straight into the cloud, 然后人们可以在任何他们想要的平台上使用它. 我们这里的演示是现场制作的. So now we're just using this Atomos Cloud Studio gateway as a way into live production."

这对联网相机意味着什么, Scurrell继续, 它们可以是“带有全功能反馈的实时摄像头输入”吗, 对讲机, 理货, video--everything you would expect from broadcast is built in to the same piece of hardware that you've bought, 同一个Atomos连接硬件. So you can now see how it all starts to build out and gets incredibly powerful."


指着Atomos展台的另一边, Scurrell goes on to say that the cloud-connected workflow now extends directly into post and cloud-based editing.

"We've expanded the offering from streaming from camera to cloud through to live production. 使用云编辑, we can now use our connected equipment to come straight through Atomos Cloud Studio into Atomos Edit, 我们新的基于云的, web browser-based edit system where you can bring the content straight to the timeline and you can edit that content. 你可以剪辑这些内容, 你可以对它做一些很好的编辑, 你可以直接发布到社交网站, 比如直接上传到YouTube或Vimeo, 甚至可以将其导出到您选择的另一个NLE, 是否会是Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, 无论.

“所以我们现在有了这个巨大的全方位产品, and all these things you can do in the end coming back to NDI as well as a completely separate way of using our connected products."

“那太好了,”林回答. “我不得不说, 多年来, it's been really neat watching you develop technologies and solutions that play well with others. 你不只是在自己的生态系统中开发东西. 每次有新的新闻发布, 新产品, 它总是和其他流行的供应商合作, 你正在使用的其他产品, 我很感激." 

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

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