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Olympics Rush to Streaming but Sports SVODs Need to Team Up to Compete

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The Olympics will have a seismic impact on the U.S. 超过四分之一的SVOD用户注册了一项新的流媒体服务,只是为了在巴黎观看奥运会, according to new research.

然而, 这掩盖了体育流媒体作为多种转播权组合所面临的结构性挑战, disjointed platforms, and rising prices is driving demand for more centralized services.

绝大多数(87%)付费订阅体育视频点播的用户要求建立一个单一的“内容中心”,将他们所有的体育订阅(以及更多)集中到一个地方, per the survey from online payment platform 得了.

它的报告, based on a poll of 2,000 sports VOD subscribers and 3,000 general subscribers, 对于获得今年7月巴黎奥运会转播权的nbc环球旗下的孔雀电视台来说,这可能是个好消息吗.

调查发现,今年7月,四分之一的美国用户(29%)将注册一个新的流媒体服务来观看奥运会. 对于那些已经为至少一个体育视频点播流媒体平台付费的用户来说,这一比例跃升至66%.

There is a halo effect around sports and major live events. 电流分析 发现, SVODs holding NFL rights 在2024年第一季度,与橄榄球相关的报道和49人队的报道都有很大的增长. 酋长队超级碗.

Paramount+ and Peacock, which both show football, saw the number of U.S. 在此期间,声称使用其平台的互联网用户分别增长了22%和18%, and this monthly active viewing rose even further among NFL fans, with Paramount+ shooting up 30% and Peacock 28%. 亚马逊Prime视频, which also shows football, saw big gains of 59% from the same fanbase, according to the research.


Despite this high market value however, 曼谷的分析 also points to challenges in the sports streaming space. 体育视频点播用户采用了更多的订阅——平均每人7个,而美国的平均水平是5个. 随着内容分布在多种服务中,体育视频点播市场被描述为用户的“接力赛”, 客户有责任将接力棒从一个订阅传递到下一个订阅.”

这个群体也愿意为这些服务支付更多的钱. According to 曼谷的分析, the average sports VOD subscriber pays a massive $1,440 per year for all of their subscription services — $120 per month. 相比之下,美国用户平均每月只需支付77美元(低66%)。.

超过一半的体育视频点播用户告诉班戈,他们负担不起他们想要的所有订阅费用. 而不是, over a third (37%) regularly pause, cancel and re-subscribe to different services to keep costs down. 近四分之三的人表示,需要太多不同的订阅服务来覆盖他们感兴趣的体育项目.

Price rises such as ESPN+ rise by one dollar, from $9.99 to $10.99/month, last fall, don’t help. “作为订阅服务市场中价值最高的客户之一, sports fans are a lucrative audience worth acquiring and retaining. But with higher costs come higher expectations, 在订阅者按下退订按钮之前,他们只能收到这么多推送,” the report states.

Recent months have also seen a crackdown on password sharing, 像ESPN+和YouTube (NFL Sunday Ticket的所在地)这样的平台迫使观众为他们以前免费访问的服务付费.

更重要的是, many subscribers are now paying for subscriptions that go unused, with 63% admitting to holding onto services they no longer engage with, 根据研究. 更糟糕的是,体育迷不希望广告妨碍他们的行动. 在这份报告的受访者中,71%的人升级了订阅以删除广告, 而79%的人“坚信”付费订阅不应该包含广告, viewing this as a breach of trust by already premium streaming services.

这些因素共同推动了令人担忧的盗版趋势. 超过一半(55%)接受调查的体育订阅者表示,他们认为盗版流媒体是在一个地方观看和管理所有内容的“最佳方式”,这是美国订阅者平均水平的两倍.

“When half of all sports fans admit to online piracy, you know something’s gone wrong,保罗·拉贝说, 得了首席执行官. “Clearly there’s a huge demand for sports streaming, 但目前缺乏集中化正在破坏这个非常有价值的市场.”

A centralized realignment of the streaming sports market is happening. The most heavyweight of which is the imminent arrival of WarnerBros. Discovery and 狐狸 and Disney/ESPN’s all-in-one sports app (being dubbed "Spulu").

得了 say further super bundles are inevitable, and points to telcos as the glue to bind services together. 考虑到得了提供的SaaS产品可以为Verizon等电信公司提供内容订阅的超级捆绑服务,这一点也不奇怪. 用户显然在“大声疾呼”要求电信公司控制脱节的订阅市场.

说Larbey, “体育迷愿意付费观看他们感兴趣的内容, and the reality is that this content will come from different providers. 结果是, 体育迷希望通过简单的计费和订阅控制来简化这种安排. And they want flexibility and the ability to build their own bundles.”

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Post-Peak Performance in the M&E宇宙

The recent Subscription Wars report commissioned by U.K.总部位于美国的数字支付科技公司得了指出,消费者对订阅服务的整体分裂状态感到不满,而间接订阅选项和通过澳大利亚Optus等电信公司销售的超级捆绑服务的吸引力越来越大. 也许这是不那么鼓舞人心的时代的另一个迹象,消费者认为流媒体服务能为他们做的最好的事情就是停止从人群中脱颖而出,开始消失在人群中.

Fubo Sues The Walt Disney Company, 狐狸 Corp.华纳兄弟. Discovery, and Affiliates for Antitrust Practices

富博对华特迪士尼公司、福克斯公司提起反垄断诉讼.华纳兄弟. 发现公司. and their affiliates today, 指控这些垂直整合的媒体公司已经进行了长达数年的活动,阻止富博创新的体育优先流媒体业务,对富博和消费者都造成了重大伤害. 诉状称,即将成立的体育流媒体合资公司窃取了富博的剧本,这是这种活动的最新例子.

ESPN/狐狸/WBD Mega-Bundle和体育直播的拉斯维加斯化

In Super Bowl week, when interest in sports in the U.酋长队和49人队之间的比赛很可能是美国历史上最大的单场博彩赛事,而老媒体巨头迪士尼(Disney)的赌注再高不过了, 狐狸, 和WarnerBros. Discovery are having one last throw of the dice.