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  • 2021年12月8日
  • By Matan拉兹 高级产品经理,软件即服务,谐波
  • 博客

IPTV 2.0:迈向全流


IPTV系统正在向全流传输迁移. IPTV的下一个演进,IPTV 2.0, 是由几个因素驱动的吗, 包括精简视频传送操作的需要, 技术创新, 货币化, 以及消费者对高品质体验的需求.

运营商可以采取不同的迁移路径到IPTV 2.0, including leveraging CDN capacity growth and deploying multicast ABR technology. 通过过渡到IPTV 2.0, operators can enhance the viewer experience with stream personalization and targeted advertising, 同时以最小的间接投资享受更大的灵活性.

让我们深入了解一下IPTV 2的驱动程序.0,系统限制和可用的迁移路径.

IPTV 2的主要驱动因素.0

IPTV operators face growing competition from streaming, cable, and satellite offerings. IPTV 2.0, 运营商可以通过单播流媒体基础设施传送视频, 哪一种能提供一些显著的好处.  


One of the main reasons why the industry is transitioning to IPTV 2.0 is because the next-gen IPTV system simplifies video delivery operations. IPTV 2.0 completely streamlines video delivery by allowing operators to manage one channel encoded with multi-profile ABR rather than managing several different versions of the same channel. 用IPTV 2.0架构, the set-top box (STB) receives the same exact stream as second screens such as smartphones and tablets.

谐波IPTV 2.0精简业务

此外,IPTV 2.0 system eliminates the need to operate a multicast network and support dedicated multicast STBs. STBs are no longer a requirement since the stream can be received directly by a growing installed base of connected TVs.


除了简化操作,IPTV 2.0可以在大屏幕上进行创新. 如今的IPTV服务分为两层, 电视上的传统IPTV服务和第二个屏幕上的应用程序. IPTV 2.0, 在包括电视在内的所有设备上使用相同的应用程序, allowing operators to enhance their service on the large screen at the same fast pace as streaming services.

IPTV运营商可以很容易地聚合第三方服务, introduce social apps and customize their offering per region or per user to enable a better viewer experience and increase 货币化. IPTV 2.0, operators also have the opportunity deliver services to subscribers without a STB and reach subscribers from outside of their network. 这是因为IPTV 2.0 streams are unicast, and network specific multicast is no longer a barrier.

谐波IPTV 2.0货币化


IPTV 2的另一个驱动程序.0是货币化. Although it's technically possible to deploy targeted ads with multicast STBs, 架构相当复杂. 利用IPTV 2.0和服务器端AD插入, operators can align the main screen TV and their system architecture with digital ad technology, making it easier to leverage first-party data and sell ad inventory at a higher CPM value.


IPTV 2.0 is also being driven by the requirement to deliver the best possible quality of experience (QoE). 使用IPTV 2的QoE.0 is equal to or better than IPTV thanks to low-latency HLS and low-latency DASH protocols, 快速换道, 以及减少再缓冲的CDN和播放器技术. 除了, ABR transcoding is a perfect match for the variety of access network technologies and performances that exist today, enabling the player to automatically select the optimal bitrate and resolution for IPTV 2.0的内容.

添加了内容感知编码, operators can realize up to 50% bitrate savings while remaining compatible with AVC and HEVC standards. 在很多情况下, content-aware encoding allows operators to deliver HD video to end users where IPTV would have normally been delivered in SD.

IPTV 2.0的局限性

而IPTV 2.0 offers operators numerous advantages, there are also some constraints. 在很多情况下, an operator's installed base of STBs does not support unicast ABR. Operators that want to maintain STB operations in the home would need to do a complete replacement, 这一过程可能需要数年时间,具体取决于规模, 涉及的物流和成本. 

迁移到IPTV 2的另一个可能的障碍.0 is the network bandwidth capacity and the ability to handle the load of unicast traffic. 向IPTV 2的迁移.目前的CDN基础设施不容易吸收0. For markets with lower IPTV penetration, this may be less of a challenge. 

探索IPTV 2的迁移路径.0

There are a few different migration paths that operators can take to IPTV 2.0. 一种选择是简单地利用CDN容量的增长. 研究表明,cdn服务的总体流量, 包括公共cdn和内部本地cdn, 自2016年以来每年增长约58%. This growth was made possible thanks to investments in caching capacity, 网络容量, 对等容量. 

当IPTV 2.0 is switched on, the egress traffic may spike over the CDN capacity. 组播ABR是IPTV 2的另一条路径.0,可用于解决可伸缩性挑战. The key benefits of multicast ABR technology is that it is transparent to end users and enables operators to reuse existing infrastructure. 然而, multicast ABR technology does require home gateway or STB software integration, 以及定制的机顶盒解决方案,以提供有针对性的广告. For these reasons multicast ABR technology is more of a short-term solution. Growing CDN capacity is the only long-term solution for achieving scalability and streaming personalization.

谐波IPTV 2.0迁移

The IPTV market is in the process of migrating to a full streaming distribution architecture to simplify operations, innovate the viewer experience and drive 货币化 through content personalization.

[编者注:这是来自 谐波. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


93% of enterprise technology executives say video traffic in their organization is growing. Multicast technologies and IPTV can help ease the load on the network.


The past 18 months have seen no shortage of mergers and acquisitions, and it has me wondering if all this consolidation will lead toward innovation. 我的直觉告诉我不行, 许多业内权威人士对此表示赞同, 但它可以改善客户体验.


Parks Associates president Elizabeth Parks discusses recent survey data on OTT market segments and explains how, 在目前支离破碎的OTT服务市场, OTT service providers need to adopt a new mindset for retaining subscribers and reducing churn, in this clip from her presentation at 流媒体 West Connect 2021.


证据适用于大多数情况, 剩下的交给IMF, 但是不管你用什么格式, 元数据是高效视频库管理的关键.
