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  • January 29, 2024
  • By Albert Lai Director, Media & Entertainment, Google Cloud , Anil Jain Global Managing Director, Strategic Consumer Industries, Google Cloud
  • Blog

Navigating the Future of AI for Media & Entertainment: Self-disrupt or Self-destruct?

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各种规模的媒体和娱乐公司都在努力吸引和留住那些渴望找到并消费他们感兴趣的内容的观众. 由于内容丰富,可供浏览和付费的选项太多,而且转换成本很低,许多提供商无法盈利.

How can media and entertainment companies respond? Many are turning to a new ally: AI.

Historically, M&公司专注于创造优秀的内容,或者将这些内容分发给大众. 随着时间的推移,许多最大的媒体公司进行了垂直整合,两者兼而有之.  In recent times, with the advent of streaming, 许多媒体公司已经“全力投入”直接面向消费者(DTC)的模式, 决心通过拥有端到端的客户体验来获得忠诚度和收入. As a result, 他们现在不仅要承担制作和分发自己的内容的全部成本,而且往往还要负责开发和维护重要的技术平台, 并且需要通过在所有屏幕上提供吸引人的体验来提供足够的内容,以满足日益分散的需求, global subscriber audiences. Meanwhile, entertainment alternatives, such as immersive video games and short-form social videos, are gaining attention and share of wallet, increasing competitive pressures.

Media companies can avoid the dreaded “I’m not interested, <click>” phenomenon by giving consumers the content they want, when they want it, and how they want it. And the best way to mass produce content, customize it, then deliver it on demand, is to become an AI company.

To thrive, every media and entertainment company must become an AI company

For some media companies, 当疫情突然加速了他们对云基础设施的投资时,转型是一个长期愿景, workforce upskilling, and digital business models.

Today, 这些“媒体技术”公司正在演变为“媒体人工智能”公司,因为他们认识到生成式人工智能可以增强, optimize, 并在三个核心领域对整个企业进行转型,以增加货币化:

  • content creation, production, and management
  • personalization of consumer experiences
  • business productivity

这些公司知道,消费者在提供动态和个性化体验的服务上花费的时间越来越多——无论是小范围的信息娱乐,还是沉浸式的体验, persistent interactions. 他们需要高效且具有成本效益的方式来大规模地创造这些体验. With AI, the potential to do so is endless.

Imagine the following scenarios: 

  • Val, whose job is to discover, shape, and land great new content, 与咨询公司风格指南的协作技术助理共享脚本, values, and tone to help her create a summary and rating, assess the story and characters, extract plot elements, and search for similar plots already in her studio’s pipeline.
  • Using a natural language interface, Stefan searches content archives spanning decades of video, images, audio, and text to find creative content for a nearly completed project, 然后在众多合同系统中快速搜索使用权信息,以避免潜在的版权问题.
  • To create a global, cross-channel marketing campaign, Neha feeds an AI assistant information on campaign objectives, the target audience, brand guidelines, and tonality, then gets back dozens of promotional images and copy blocks, 即时翻译,以便她的国际团队可以评估当地市场的最佳选择.
  • Jose hears about a great foreign movie but doesn’t catch the title. 他告诉他的联网电视一个引人注目的场景或一个吸引人的对话, finds the movie within seconds, and watches it dubbed in English with AI-generated lip synchronization.
  • 露西尔在出发前没有15分钟的时间读完整篇文章, 因此,她要求她最喜欢的新闻服务将这篇文章转换成播客或三分钟的音频摘要,并附上对昨晚比赛如何结束的描述, which she missed because it went into overtime.
  • Gwen can’t get a video application to work on her new device. 一个会话聊天机器人将她连接到该服务网站上的故障排除信息. Unable to fix the problem herself, she engages with a customer service rep, 谁会使用人工智能工具来搜索类似问题的历史消费者互动,并指导格温找到解决方案.

As these examples illustrate, AI won’t replace humans, 但它将增加人员和流程,使公司能够提供更多受众想要的东西, faster. 了解这一点的高管们已经在对他们的数据平台进行现代化改造,并在他们的执行团队中增加了人工智能办公室.

Getting started with AI now

When it comes to adopting AI, 我们从全球媒体和娱乐公司那里听到了两种截然相反的观点:要么静观其变,要么在业内同行为你做这件事之前自我颠覆.

把人工智能放在你业务的核心可以让你在五个月内领先五年, it doesn’t make sense to wait. 进化的步骤,比如使用人工智能来自动化、增强和加速常见任务including software development—can have an immediate and huge impact.

As you experiment in the short-term, build a long-term revolutionary strategy to accelerate content creation, to transform customer experiences through hyper-personalization, and to deliver innovative content globally at scale.

  • 建立AI原则,以管理整个企业中AI的使用.
  • Experiment with generative AI across your organization.
  • 通过评估相关AI解决方案的成本和收益来确定用例的优先级.
  • Build a solid AI foundation by bringing disjointed data sets together.
  • Assess your organization’s AI readiness.
  • 通过实施快速失败的概念验证,确定什么最适合您的业务.
  • Share what works best with the rest of your organization.

人工智能能够并且将会改变媒体和娱乐行业的经济状况. M&企业面临着一个关键的选择:要么顺应人工智能浪潮,要么冒着自我毁灭的风险. 这不是进步与停滞之间的选择,而是进化与灭绝之间的选择.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Google Cloud. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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