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Spurred by an ever-increasing demand for superior quality video streaming over the Internet and aided by the tailwind of exponential growth in high-resolution television/4K streaming, 通用视频编码(VVC), 也被称为H.266是最新的视频编码技术. VVC is witnessing a steady adoption rate by international standards bodies such as DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting). 最不靠谱的是, its efficient bitrates can deliver significant cost savings and reduce energy consumption for streaming, 这对内容广播公司来说是一个更有吸引力的提议.


在标准化方面,DVB在其最新的Audio中加入了VVC & 视频编码蓝皮书, a technical specification document published by DVB that defines the audio and video coding standards used in digital television broadcasting, defining profiles for VVC-capable IRDs (Integrated Receiver Decoders) targeted at UHD HDR. 此外,DASH一致性点也被定义为流传输.

与此同时,巴西电视台3.0标准将VVC定义为主要的视频编解码器, 主要针对8K分辨率, 有一些增强层添加选项. 然后,在美国,有 先进电视系统委员会 (ATSC), which has its own set of standards for digital television transmission over terrestrial, cable, 卫星网络. 尽管ATSC尚未做出决定, VVC decoders within smart TV SoCs make it a likely (but not certain) candidate for 8K. 

AV1是一个关键的编解码器 YouTube TV, Amazon, and Netflix 在垂直媒体领域. 同时, Apple 通常选择国际标准方法,目前使用H.265 - or High-Efficiency-Video-Coding (HEVC) as it’s known by - for 4K content. However, 垂直媒体目前还没有商用8K产品, 因此,编解码器的选择仍然有待做出. AV1 and VVC will likely be available in all devices, from Smart TVs and STBs to mobile phones. That’s because the diversity of choices made by the streaming service verticals means restricting those options on a device could impact consumer preferences. However, VVC is differentiated by being the most bitrate efficient of the latest group of codecs.


The increasing presence of 4K screens in the home will lead to an increase in the delivery of those higher resolutions. This, in turn, makes a strong case for more efficient compression than the HEVC standard that has been around for over a decade or so. The improved processing capability of decoders means that a step-change in complexity (and therefore efficiency) of video coding standards is now thoroughly practical and is already present in some consumer devices.

Real-world VVC encoders are at advanced stages of development and are expected to start getting market adoption at scale within the next 18 to 24 months. Embracing VVC can help streaming and linear service providers unlock new revenue streams and deliver better video experiences to their customers by making better quality video available at network-efficient bitrates. Over time, VVC有望改变流媒体行业, 改变视频的传输方式, stored, and consumed. The immediate benefit for the industry and media consumers would be far superior video quality. 该技术以更低的比特率显著提高了视频质量, enabling streaming platforms to deliver high-resolution content with enriched clarity and detail.

For instance, a 4K video encoded using VVC will offer even better quality than a 1080p video encoded using HEVC, providing a genuine value-add to the consumer with a smaller incremental bitrate than was previously possible. 这意味着观众可以享受到更清晰的图像, richer colors, 提高了视觉保真度, 创造更加身临其境的观看体验. 为媒体公司使用VVC提供现有的分辨率, 较低的比特率转化为近40%的巨大成本节约, 无论是CDN成本还是交付基础设施(例如.g.,更少的电缆节点分裂或应答器).


The availability of more powerful CPUs in servers has allowed the video research teams to exploit the new capabilities made possible by VVC. AI can perform well at inferring good decisions where complex data patterns complicate defining a conventional algorithm. 人工智能并不能解决所有问题,还需要适当的专业知识, but used well, it can mitigate a large part of the increased processing needed for VVC compared to HEVC. 

AI can further help reduce energy consumption in streaming by optimizing the encoding process. Specifically, AI can analyze video content and adjust encoding parameters in real-time to achieve the best possible compression while maintaining video quality. 这可以减少文件大小和带宽需求, which, in turn, 减少能源消耗. Additionally, AI can be used to predict future network conditions and adjust video quality accordingly, further reducing energy consumption by minimizing the need for retransmissions or buffering. Overall, 人工智能有可能显著提高VVC的能源效率, 使其成为绿色流媒体的重要工具.


We know that VVC standards can halve the file size of a 90-minute 4K video without losing quality. We also know that it delivers a persuasive business case for content broadcasters enabling them to improve the quality, efficiency, 随着视频文件的不断增长,其内容交付的安全性也在不断提高. As we’re getting closer to the boundaries of what can be achieved with other codecs, 未来对视频压缩的期望将由VVC来满足. 一个令人兴奋的空间!

[编者注:这是来自 MediaKind. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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A study from Unified Patents suggests that VVC isn't likely to ever gain widespread adoption due to both royalty issues and technology changes

基于人工智能的缩放是经济高效的4K UHD内容交付的关键

AI-based Super Resolution can give viewers compelling UHD viewing experiences from a 1K-resolution source.


TL;DR: The right way to think about VVC is to put off thinking about it at all until actual decoder deployments are announced on platforms that matter to you. Here's why.
