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Video: What Are the Challenges of Bringing Live Linear to the Masses?

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杰森·Thibeault: What are some of the challenges that we face today in bringing live linear streaming to the masses?

安德烈·沃德里:在NBC体育, 我们仍然是基于事件的, 但从流媒体的角度来看, 随着时代的变迁, 真的是因为观众, 线性, 对我们来说,这是百家乐软件获取. 以及其中的稳定性. So, 基于事件的模型, we had the budget to be able to either downlink a feed from a stadium, 或者体育场是否有网络连接, to get a point-to-point circuit as a backup and it was relatively easy. So source was never the issue--it was always beyond our origin--but now it's the opposite. Since it's not as cost-efficient to get something from satellite 24/7 or fiber 24/7, 回到线性模型, going either over the open internet or other forms, 这绝对是百家乐软件获取.

罗伯: 对我们来说, 为了创造新的产品体验, you really need to understand and know a lot about the metadata that's out there for the content. And while that metadata exists in certain formats, 或在Excel表格中, 或者在某个地方的PDF中, it's really not consumable that often in programmatic ways. And you really have to work hard in order to tie them all together in order to find out like, 参加那次体育比赛的是哪些队? 或者这是什么时候播出的? 那部电影的演员是谁? You'd have to do a lot in order to pull that all together, and that's the basic building blocks for how you can build more engaging consumer experiences.

We rely on our programmers to help us with the signal acquisition piece, but there's still quite a bit that needs to get transformed in order to bring it to a truly internet-ready type service, with regards to bringing the metadata along with the signal, decorating the feeds with all the control signals that are there, and just getting an aggregation at one single point. That'd be great for us if everything was aggregated at one place, but it's not quite that way today.

家伙Tasaka: Our challenge is less technical than it is financial, because at any one time the cost of doing livestreams doesn't justify the audience that'll actually see the livestream. 所以对于我们的观众, 任何时候都可能有200人在观看, so the cost of trying to do a livestream doesn't justify the live audience. 对我们来说, 很多时候, 现场录制要简单得多, 然后把它放回内容组合中.

Igor Oreper: It's the convergence of broadcast and digital for us, 这是最大的挑战, 在期望方面, how our customers expect us to offer that service as a service provider, and how the audience expects to consume that content. 也, 从程序员的角度来看, they're used to 5-8 second broadcast delays in the world of paid TV, and that's very different when you're talking digital. 在一天结束的时候, our goal is really to help customers navigate that convergence between broadcast and digital. 我们的传统是广播, 但显然,数字化将继续存在, and we're embracing that and trying to help our customers fulfill it. But I think someone who comes from the broadcast world and says, "I need these networks up because we're launching a digital product"--their expectations of what that user experience is and how consumers use it are very different from someone who starts in the digital space who maybe hasn't done broadcast before.

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