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Dolby Brings Premium Audio to Online Video

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While high-definition video gets all the attention, 高质量的多声道音频对于提供出色的流媒体视频家庭影院体验至关重要. 为了讨论杜比在网络上的努力,John Griffin,在线媒体高级总监 Dolby Labs最近在纽约举行的流媒体东部大会(Streaming Media East)上,他接受了红毯采访.

“我们已经看到许多研究表明音频对消费者的重要性同样重要, if not more important than video. 有很多研究表明,消费者通常会感知一部电影或一段电视内容, both the video and audio together. 所以如果你的音频质量很差,它就会影响视频效果,反之亦然。. “所以我认为游戏行业必须意识到音频的重要性."

随着高质量的宽带连接,在线音频正在得到改善, 以至于消费者可以期待与蓝光相同的性能水平.

"In terms of the increase in broadband, 这使得内容发布者不只是多渠道, 但是非常高质量的多声道音频分发. So you're seeing a range of services today from Netflix, Vudu, Best Buy CinemaNow,已经从立体声传输迁移到全5.1, or the case of Vudu, 7.1 channels of surround sound. 因此,你获得的体验与消费者习惯的高清广播或蓝光非常相似, now through online delivery," notes Griffin.


Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: Hi. I'm Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, editor of Streaming Media 杂志,我和杜比实验室的约翰·格里芬在一起. 我们现在正在纽约的流媒体东部展上. And John, Dolby's a name that most people know. 他们以环绕立体声和家庭影院系统而闻名. They know it for movie theaters. What is Dolby doing in an online video show?

John Griffin: So Eric, as you mentioned, 很多消费者都是从家庭影院知道杜比的,当然还有电影院. 我们非常专注于为消费者带来最高质量的娱乐体验,我们通过一系列分销渠道开展工作, 这就是从电影到广播的一切, Blu-Ray DVD, mobile, and, of course, what we're talking about here, online. 随着消费者开始通过流媒体或下载获得越来越多的优质内容, they want the convenience of these new use cases, but they don't want to sacrifice quality. So we've been working with the industry, including professional partners, technology ecosystem partners, and importantly, online content distributors themselves, 以提升音频的质量,并确保消费者在电影院习惯的沉浸式高清体验, 或者在家庭影院环境中工作得很好,并且一直伴随着在线流媒体, as well.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: Right. 我们今天的主讲人提到,鉴于宽带速度的提高, delivery of 1080p video, and even 3D video, is going to become more and more commonplace. He didn't mention audio though, but it's a truism that without good audio, no one's going to watch your video. 那么,宽带速度的提高是如何影响杜比提供更高质量声音的呢.

John Griffin: I think I'll take that in two parts. So first, on the importance of audio, 通常不像视频描述的那样重要, 1080p, for example, and 3D. 但我们已经看到很多研究表明音频对消费者的重要性是一样的, if not more important, than video. 有很多研究表明,消费者通常会感知一部电影或一段电视内容, both the video and audio together. 所以如果你的音频质量很差,它就会削弱视频的效果,反之亦然. I think the CEO of Vevo, actually in a StreamingMedia.com article a few years back, 甚至评论说,通过提高音频的质量, 他们发现观看视频的人也有明显的改善. 所以我认为游戏行业必须意识到音频的重要性. In terms of the increase in broadband, 这使得内容发布者不仅仅是多渠道的, 但非常高质量的多通道音频分布. 所以你今天看到了Netflix的一系列服务, Vudu, Best Buy CinemaNow,已经从立体声传输迁移到全5.1, or the case of Vudu, 7.1 channels of surround sound. 因此,你获得的体验与消费者习惯的高清广播或蓝光非常相似, now through online delivery.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 你提到了你的一些合作伙伴. 杜比还与哪些其他合作伙伴合作,以帮助提供高质量的在线音频体验?

John Griffin: So we work with partners across the ecosystem, 从内容创作到分发和播放的一切. 在发行方面,我提到了Netflix, Best Buy CinemaNow和Vudu. 还有一些我们合作的公司,我们最近刚刚宣布了一个消息 Knowhow Movies in Europe, run by Dixons. There's a service in the works called Bottler, 它实际上使用杜比数字+传输到移动设备, 所以这是一个让我们特别兴奋的新兴领域. More recently, in the U.S.我们一直在与广泛的内容分销商合作. 我们认为在接下来的几个月里,会有一些新的公告. The industry's migrating pretty quickly.

Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: Very good. We'll keep an eye out for those new announcements. This is Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen from Streaming Media signing off from Streaming Media East.

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