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TAG革命性的封闭字幕 & Subtitles Quality Assurance with New Language Detection Feature

TAG革命性的封闭字幕 & Subtitles Quality Assurance with New Language Detection Feature


TAG革命性的封闭字幕 & Subtitles Quality Assurance with New Language Detection Feature

纽约——2024年5月1日—— TAG视频系统, 视频监控解决方案的领导力量, has developed a new Language Detection feature set to transform how operators ensure quality and compliance across large scale operations with multiple closed captions and language subtitles. 在最近的NAB 2024上亮相, this innovative technology offers much-needed automation and precision to the traditionally labor-intensive world of caption quality assurance.

The Challenge of Multi-Language and Large Scale Captions Monitoring
While accurate and compliant captions are essential for a positive viewer experience,  operators have long grappled with the complexities of ensuring captions meet the mark. 在今天的内容领域尤其如此, where video is consumed globally across multiple languages. TAG's Language Detection feature aims to alleviate this burden.

The sheer scale of video content produced and distributed makes accurate caption 监控 an immense task. The resources required to manually track and analyze captions across multiple languages can be overwhelming. Additionally, relying on human operators introduces the potential for errors. 乏力, 分散注意力, and varying levels of expertise can all contribute to inconsistencies in caption quality, posing a challenge to compliance with accessibility regulations.

The core of this technology lies in its ability to automatically pinpoint the language of subtitles within video content. 先进的算法支持, TAG performs a meticulous quality analysis informed by language-specific dictionaries, which in turn provides the data within the multiviewer output in the form of two parameters: identified language, and quality percentage against the identified language's dictionary. The data can also be aggregated and visualized with data visualization tools to identify trends or centralize large scale operations. This significantly streamlines the caption 监控 process, offering these key benefits:

节省操作员时间: By eliminating manual 监控 of closed captions and subtitles, operators gain valuable time to focus on more strategic and nuanced tasks.

主动解决问题: 实时监控配合有用, informative alerts enables operators to quickly address any potential caption quality problems.
定位精度: Reliable language identification and quality measurement against a dictionary helps avoid human error and assure accuracy and compliance.
符合标准的质量: Language-specific analysis ensures captions uphold quality standards and regulations, 最终增强观看体验.
明智的决策: Data visualization tools provide insightful overviews of caption/subtitles quality trends, empowering media operations to make strategic improvements.

“TAG’s Language Detection is a glimpse of the future of quality assurance” says 迈克尔Demb, TAG视频系统公司产品战略副总裁. “Operators no longer need to watch and listen to every channel to deliver quality captions and subtitles. 通过自动化关键流程, we're enabling them to focus on higher-level analysis and decision-making, 最终确保为所有观众提供更好的体验.”

The impact of TAG Language Detection hasn't gone unnoticed.  The feature has already garnered significant recognition within the industry, 带回家以下奖项:

- NAB 2024年度产品
——未来广播 & 2024年有线电视最佳剧集


TAG视频系统' Language Detection feature marks a new era in quality assurance. 通过注入自动化和精密, it promises to reshape how operators approach this crucial aspect of media production and delivery. As the demand for accurate and accessible multi-language content continues to rise, this technology is poised to become an indispensable tool for ensuring a seamless and inclusive viewing experience for audiences worldwide.


TAG视频系统 is the global leader in software-based integrated IP probing, 监控, 可视化和分析解决方案. TAG使广播商, 内容创造者, 以及服务提供商精简运营, 突破了IP媒体工作流程的复杂性, and keep infrastructures ahead of shifting technology and demand with Zero Friction agility. The TAG platform empowers users with innovative toolsets to ensure video quality, 提高所有媒体工作流程的整体效率, 并提供宝贵的业务和运营见解.




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