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5 Things You Need to Know About Vimeo Create

Vimeo是当今市场上最强大的视频营销平台之一, 创建工具将平台开放给任何组织的大量团队成员.

所有视频发布者请注意:有一种新的方法可以快速制作高影响力的社交视频. Vimeo has officially unveiled the full version of Vimeo Create on Android, iOS, and desktop, and it offers easy tools to make high-quality videos for your business anytime, anywhere.

“我们的愿景是为各种规模的企业提供视频创作的便利和可能,并为那些从未能够自己制作专业质量视频的人提供简单的, easy-to-use solution," according to a Vimeo blog post.

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What is Vimeo Create?

Vimeo Create is a 短形式的视频创建工具,企业可以使用来生产他们的视频资产.  The system is 专为企业家和营销人员谁正在寻找创建快速视频, with the option to add powerful features such as brand fonts, colors, graphics, music, text captions, and access to a stock footage library.

Creators can use a variety of custom templates from Vimeo that include sales, driving traffic, seasonal announcements, promotional use, and several other categories. Publishers can also build videos from scratch using their footage or media. Create works seamlessly with media from your phone or Google Photos, Dropbox,  Facebook, and even CRM workflows. 这些资产可以用他们的AI智能编辑器进行编辑,其中包括一个功能丰富的工具集,而无需复杂的视频编辑. 

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Anyone can try Vimeo Create for free, but you’ll need a Pro subscription or higher to save and share your video.

Who Should Use It?

该产品针对的是那些可能没有预算制作视频的企业, but want to use videos as part of a marketing strategy.  “任何企业主或企业家都会告诉你,营销品牌的主要挑战之一实际上是找到时间制作有意义的内容. Businesses can create a professional-quality video in just a few minutes, whenever and wherever," according to the Vimeo team.

虽然Vimeo Create可以帮助小企业主,但大团队也应该看看这些工具. Vimeo Create附带了其他一些强大的视频平台功能,例如 the Review Tool. 小组可以收集交互式反馈,以简化修订和版本控制过程.

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组织可以提供反馈并插入时间编码的编辑,这些编辑可以直接添加到视频页面中. These edits are sent directly to the video editor, ensuring that all stakeholders are working from the same video, creating smoother edits with faster turnarounds. 

Some publishers have gotten very creative with how they use Vimeo Create. For example, Supermaker, 一个专为创业公司和创作者设计的媒体公司和社区,使用Create来重新利用现有的媒体资产,并将它们变成宣传视频. 

This is an excellent option for those marketers who need something fast, but do not want to bombard a video team, whether it's in house or external. 营销人员可以使用这些现有的视频和片段来创建新的内容,而不必了解一个成熟的视频编辑应用程序的来龙去脉. 这是一种强大的方式来扩展视频库的使用并增加视频资产的投资回报率.

The Vimeo blog shares other tips on how businesses are effectively using Vimeo Create.

Publishers can Analyze the Process

One of the most popular features is the option to distribute videos across the web with a single click, and measure the impact through in-depth analytics provided by Vimeo.  Currently, publishers can send their videos to YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, 和Twitter,而无需为每个平台手动定制视频设置. 

VImeo Create Fig4

Also, the full suite of Vimeo tools is available, as mentioned earlier. Vimeo provides comprehensive analytics like performance, impressions, retention rates, views by device, demographics, etc.

最可靠的指标报告之一是,用户可以看到这些视频资产在他们分发到的社交媒体平台上的表现.  这是一个可以并排观看的地方,这绝对是一个改变游戏规则的想法.  发行商可以查看用户粘性渠道报告,如分享、点赞、评论等. 

实时数据和长期报告帮助视频创作者发现趋势. 这些参数可以帮助发行商深入了解他们的视频和分销渠道的表现. 最重要的是,它可以帮助营销人员为未来的内容完善他们的视频策略.

Vimeo Create is Evolving

Vimeo表示:“我们正在继续改进产品,未来还会有更多的改进。.  Vimeo has promised to add new templates, graphics, music, advanced editing controls, and more to help publishers create better stories and videos.

Vimeo has a track record of continuously innovating their products. Their customer service is responsive, proactive, and takes the time to fully understand the need of their user base. 

毫无疑问,Vimeo是当今市场上最强大的视频营销平台之一. 任何希望从视频平台中获得最大收益的发行商都应该深入了解Vimeo所能提供的一切. Create工具向任何组织的大量团队成员开放了这个平台.  

Whether you are a video guru or have no video experience, Vimeo Create has simplified the video process without sacrificing on quality.

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