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Blackmagic's just-announced ATEM Mini Pro switcher builds on the game-changing entry-level ATEM Mini with new live streaming, 记录, 多视图功能, 599美元的低价.

NAB 2020不再计划于本月举行, the next few weeks are bound to bring scores of industry announcements and product debuts to the smaller stage of web-based briefings. 时间会告诉我们什么是开创性的和改变游戏规则的.

Blackmagic设计 set the bar high today when founder and CEO Grant Petty took to YouTube生活 to make several key announcements, 其中最重要的是推出黑魔法ATEM迷你 Pro (下面的图1和2),这是一种低成本(然后是一些)四输入的新型流媒体版本 ATEM迷你 去年九月发行的. ATEM Mini Pro在Mini令人瞠目的299美元建议零售价的基础上又增加了300美元, 但为流媒体增加了引人注目的新功能, 记录, 以及多视图监控.

图1. 新的黑魔法ATEM迷你Pro

图2. ATEM Mini Pro的后视图


一个新的内置硬件流媒体引擎使现场制作人流到Facebook直播, YouTube生活, 抽搐, 和更多的. Producers can go live simply by connecting via ether网 to a viable live connection and pressing the On Air button on the top of the unit. 在今天的简报中, Petty demonstrated how live producers can connect via Ether网/USB to a laptop running Blackmagic's ATEM Control Panel software to control the switcher, 应用流设置, 并监察正在进行中的溪流的生存能力(图3). 图2右下角的数字显示了当前的数据速率, 并且“OK”表示它足以用于正在流式传输的视频. 

图3. 用ATEM迷你专业版播出. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

而Mini Pro, 比如Mini, is designed to make many of the professional switching and mixing features of Blackmagic's higher-end ATEM models available to users newer to live production or to those having comparably modest needs and budgets, 它确实提供了一些高级用户会欢迎的功能, such as the ability to go beyond the short drop-down list of popular streaming platforms and customize your stream by opening and tweaking an XML file with all of the stream's parameters. “如果你有技术头脑的话,佩蒂说, 您可以在菜单中填充的XML文件中添加自定义流媒体服务. 你也可以去掉你不想要的设置."


ATEM Mini Pro还具有录制H的功能.264程序馈送到一个或多个USB驱动器(下面的图4),并附带一个外部硬盘驱动器、USB集线器或Blackmagic MultiDock. Petty noted that 记录 to a multi-drive device gives production teams--such as those doing live sports--the added ability to swap output drives on the fly so that portions of a program can be used for editing highlights while 记录 and streaming continue. Connecting to the computer running the ATEM control software via the ether网 output (via a USB adapter) frees up the USB output for external 记录. 

图4. 将节目实时录制到外置USB硬盘上

Clicking the REC button (indicated in 图4) starts live 记录 from the Mini Pro unit. Recordings can also be controlled and monitored from within the ATEM Software Control Panel, 如图所示 图5(下面).

图5. ATEM软件控制面板显示的录音状态 


During the webcast Petty also announced software updates for both the ATEM Mini and the Mini Pro that enables both switchers to interact with cameras in Blackmagic's Pocket Cinema Camera (PCC) line as studio cameras. This means the switchers can talk to the cameras via the same HDMI cable that transmits the video, 并且(通过软件控制界面)调整相机上的一系列设置, 从镜头控制到色彩校正. 

图6(下面) 在ATEM软件控制中显示4个连接的PCC摄像机的实时色彩校正. Camera operators can also continue to make camera adjustments directly on the camera body while in Studio Mode. Petty noted that the primary color correction controls in the ATEM software are essentially the same as those found in Blackmagic's DaVinci Resolve NLE. Red tally lights on the cameras indicate which camera is on aid; orange tally lights indicate that the cameras are 记录 internally in RAW format while sending an HDMI signal to the switcher. ATEM切换器.2、相机.9个更新现在可以从 blackmagicdesign.com.

图6. PCC相机色彩校正在演播室模式


Petty also highlighted the ability to use professional multiview output to see all four video sources, 加上外接显示器上的预览和程序(下面的图7). Petty noted in his presentation that it's "very common" for ATEM Mini users to be presenters who are running their slide decks and switching their video live (and now they'll be able to add streaming to their job descriptions). 多视图监控, 他说, is especially valuable for presenters who are wearing all these hats since it makes it easier to see not just which feed is showing but (via the preview window) what's about to go on air, 帮助防止错误.

图7. ATEM Mini Pro的多视图显示器. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

“当你把流媒体、录制和预览作为不同的窗口时, 你得到了更多的信息, 还有更大的指标. We think multiview is going to be very useful for more complex work--you've got it all there on one display."

Petty told viewers that "production started today" for the ATEM Mini Pro (MSRP $599) which means the new model is available now, 并附有适用于当前条件下航运状况的适当说明.

Blackmagic has set a new standard for an affordable and professional all-in-one HD video switcher, 最大的考虑是哪个模型适合您的工作流.
Blackmagic设计 ATEM Mini Pro的价值是其595美元标价的几倍. It has so many professional features that it is a tough act to compete with in the crowded compact switcher market.
在东京被隔离, and looking for a way connect with others around the country who were sheltering at home as they were, Japanese Hollywood actress Ikumi Yoshimatsu and RIM Entertainment's Matt Taylor decided to do what they do best--develop and deliver a new show with Ikumi on camera and Matt producing--from the bedroom of their Tokyo apartment.
他们的新ATEM迷你视频切换器, Blackmagic设计 has packed thousands of dollars of value into a $295 appliance that costs less than buying many of its individual constituent parts.
砸过1美元,000楼为4输入硬件视频混频器, Blackmagic设计 ATEM Mini售价仅为295美元, 它在纸上看起来就像一个惊人的人. 让我们仔细看看.