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090 Media Head of Operations discusses the value of the viewing experience for remote viewers of hybrid live events, the challenges of serving both in-person and off-site live audiences effectively, and what it means for the future of hybrid live events as currently constituted in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.

了解更多关于混合事件流的信息 流媒体东部2022.


Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen: 我不认为混合项目会消失, because there's all sorts of business and other motivations for them. 但它们真的有用吗,亚历克斯? 我知道你对此有些想法.

亚历克斯·林赛: 它们主要是为室内观众服务的. We've had the opportunity to spend have all kinds of budgets from everything from $5,000 to $500,在过去的十年里,一场混合式的活动花费了5000美元, and we've really got to all these permutations of how to build it and how to make it work. And what I will say is that it is extremely challenging to have a hybrid event work for the online audience. 这可能是直播不起作用. Putting cameras in the back does not work for the online audience. When I say it doesn't work, we're measuring average view time. 平均观看时间才是最重要的. When we look at these things, how long did someone stay when they got there?

市场营销可以固定现有用户的数量, 但作为活动制作人,我们的工作就是把他们留在房间里. And if you look at if you look at hybrid events, you're talking sometimes in small, low minutes. For your all-day event, you might see an average view time of 10 minutes or 15 minutes. People just leave because they feel like they're outside of it.

从根本上, 问题是,当你把一个人放在房间里, 你在与百万年的进化作斗争. 演讲者会看着那个人. 他们会为那个人演奏. 他们要为观众表演. 本质上, they're gonna put the online audience in the kiddie table--that kiddie table that we used to sit at at Thanksgiving. 那是我们都坐的地方.

现在,人们不会抱怨了. They're not gonna send you emails, but they just don't feel like they're connected. 这对你的活动来说是毁灭性的. And it's a devastating thing to do to your audience because you don't see it. 你不会看到人们难过. They just don't wanna come back the next time or they don't come back the next day. That's what we see for instance, in a lot of two or three days of hybrid events. You see a drop-off in attendance that is generally between 60 and 80% because people just stop coming. They think they're gonna watch the VOD later, but they won't. Part of that is the whole function, the whole structure of events.

I think also what didn't really work before was watching all those slide decks with tons of text and everything else. 我们只是来喝咖啡和吃饼干的. And so the reality is that they haven't been that great before and now it's just really clear.

So I think that it's really, really challenging to have hybrid events work. 就我个人而言, I think that they're the transitionary format that we're gonna use until we figure out how to really take advantage of digital events. 我认为物理事件将继续存在, but I think that hybrid events are something that event teams and event companies are desperate to hang onto because they're trying to stay relevant. 但我觉得他们的腿撑不了多久, for very long because they just don't pencil out most of the time. And if you actually look at that data, it becomes very challenging.


Microsoft's Andy Beach and LiveX's Corey Behnke discuss best practices for delivering effective hybrid and virtual events using streaming technology in this clip from 流媒体 West 2022.
虚拟活动将继续存在, 从基本的单向网络研讨会到高度制作, 亲身体验的交互式模拟. Here's how each of the three levels of virtual event production works.
Sage Event Management Creative Producer Blue Melnick explains his approach to enhancing the viewing and engagement experience for in-person and remote audiences at different types of hybrid events in this clip from 流媒体 West Connect 2021.
LinkedIn的丹·斯威尼, 090 Media的Alex Lindsay报道, 卡尔图拉的夏洛特·科普曼报道, and Sage Event Management's Blue Melnick offer definitions of hybrid events and what it means to produce content effectively for in-person and online live audiences simultaneously in this clip from 流媒体 West 2021.