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而一体机直播制作和流媒体工具的发展和成熟, 让我们确保牢记备份解决方案,以确保成功的生产—即使它仍然意味着一个满表的设备.

I wrote back in December how new All-In-One streaming tools like the Magewell Director Mini can let you do it all, but should you? In that column, I focused on the distribution of tasks to different people, 让制作人让“其他人”用ppt解决问题, or fix the spelling of a lower-third graphic. 我仍然认为这是必要的,甚至更可取的一些现场制作, 尽管工具的可用性越来越高,使得单个操作人员可以在单个设备上完成大多数重要的生产任务.

At the same time, 我想起自己曾受雇帮助组织一家公司的1月份营销峰会. 他们不想租用我的“控制室”硬件,因为他们想“保持简单”.” But, in the end, 这个“简单”的方法最终涉及了14台笔记本电脑和3台视频混频器, spread across 2+ long tables. We started with one, then expanded to two, filled that up and then overflowed onto a small additional table.

Using my setup would have enabled us to switch the recording and IMAG using one StreamDeck 在一台计算机上,大大减少了生产工具的数量. 而当时我想减少我们使用的零件数量, 有时候我不得不承认,一桌子的装备其实是最好的主意.

In a discussion forum someone wrote about loading Speedify (3rd party software-based bonding) onto a consumer router using OpenWRT (一种针对嵌入式设备的Linux操作系统)他们希望路由器能连接到多个互联网连接, bond the data across those connections, while also acting as a wireless access point passing NDI data between the cameras and the switcher.

我的第一个担忧是,传递大量NDI数据可能已经是一个相当繁重的任务. 最好将其分配给专用交换机(甚至可能是专门为ndi制造的交换机),而不要使用消费者无线路由器. 但是大多数路由器并不是为多广域网绑定系统而设计的. 这将增加轻量级嵌入式硬件的CPU负载. But the operator was firm. 他们想要减少他们需要携带的物品数量,这样他们就可以尽可能地轻便和移动.

I thought back to two instances, one where I was using Switcher Studio for an outdoor wedding in a remote location. I had a Netgear M1 cellular hotspot/Wi-Fi router. 然而,我把以太网拿出来,连接到一个单独的路由器WAP上. 这就救了我的命,因为德州夏天的室外高温会让Netgear过热而关机. But because I had a separate WAP, 我所有的相机都保持连接,我的记录能力没有中断. 如果我完全依赖Netgear来连接设备之间的Wi-Fi, I would have lost everything when it shut down. Having separate pieces saved me.

还有一次,我工作的一个工作室承包了一个TriCaster在另一个城市的设置. We asked that A/V company about backup recordings, 他们说他们在TriCaster里录了两段不同的视频,没有分开, external program record for backup. The boss thought that was good enough. 活动进行得很顺利,当当地的A/V交出这些文件时,它们并没有立即得到审查. Days later, the video files wouldn’t play.

The CEO reached out to the A/V company, and they revealed that they had been using a rented TriCaster, because theirs was occupied elsewhere that day. 租赁的TriCaster在接下来的周一被归还给了租赁公司,租赁公司清除了媒体作为标准的租赁归还程序. 我们最终不得不使用Zoom录音作为我们的录音主, 这意味着质量比TriCaster要低得多.

Later, when I built a portable production kit for the studio, 我把Blackmagic Design HyperDeck Studio放在电脑上方的机架空间中,为专用电脑进行切换, external program record. I also put an ATEM 1 M/E in the rack as a backup for the computer.

In our quest to make everything smaller, more integrated, and easier for one person to operate, we also need to remember the value of a table full of gear, especially when things go wrong. vMix的内部程序录音——即使每次都是100%完美的——仍然需要备份. 将用于绑定和多wan聚合的设备与输入和输出多个NDI信号的交换机分开是一个非常好的计划. 有额外的笔记本电脑可用,并准备运行NDI工具或调整ATEM混音器设置, or even just to fix a misspelled lower-third graphic, can save the show. 

While the All-In-One tools grow and mature, 让我们确保牢记备份解决方案,以确保成功的生产—即使它仍然意味着一个满表的设备.


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