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NewTek的新TriCaster 40:将TriCaster带回“小家伙”

NewTek回归其赋予入门级和预算有限的现场生产者的根源,其第一个低于5000美元的高清能力, multi-camera live production system

If you've been staring at your TriCaster Studio, Broadcast, or even the venerable TriCaster Pro, 希望你能用比一辆新的中型轿车更便宜的价格买到高清电视, you're about to be rewarded. 

NewTek today announced the immediate availability of the TriCaster 40, priced at $4,995. 这个“小人物”让纽泰克成为了今天的公司.

What's to like about TriCaster 40? 首先是它的大小:它的外形让人想起上面提到的三个基于sd的tricaster, the TriCaster 40 has four inputs capable of HD or SD. 

The inputs can be mixed-and-matched, just like with the more recent 855 Extreme and 455 Extreme, but the 40 lacks digital HD inputs. 是的,您没听错:TriCaster 40上的四个输入仅为分量、复合或Y/C. 

No SDI for you, unless you shell out the really big bucks, 但如果你有支持高清的相机,并且有组件输出,那么TriCaster 40也可以用于高清制作.

TriCaster 40 also has two analog outputs, each with the same component-composite-Y/C options, and four virtual inputs. For more on the virtual input model, 请看我们几个月前对TriCaster 850 Extreme的评测.

NewTek TriCaster 40

使TriCaster 40成为中点生产设备的另一个功能是双千兆以太网连接器. Not only do the Gigabit connectors allow for redundancy, if one is streaming, 但它们也允许TriCaster 40输入基于网络的内容, including IP cameras and Apple AirPlay-equipped devices. This is a slick feature that allows iPad, iPhone and iPod touch devices to be used as a source, 这对公司的演讲者和大学的讲师都很有帮助.

On the downstream key side, TriCaster 40 has 2 independent downstream keyers, each offering digital video effects and scaling.  最多可以同时在屏幕上显示五层视频, 包括虚拟套装-其中24套包含在TriCaster 40中.

Finally, the TriCaster 40 is capable of 1080i recording resolutions, either as QuickTime or what NewTek calls "web quality H.264" formats. 我们将在即将到来的TriCaster 40评测中看看这一点, 看看它是否能处理NewTek声称的20小时1080i内容.

Finally, 向第一个让TriCaster声名鹊起的“小人物”致敬, NewTek is pricing this analog-only HD version at $4995. 该公司似乎听到了过去两年对NewTek似乎只专注于高端现场制作的不满之声.

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