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Tutorial: How to Quickly Animate Text and Graphics with 红巨星宇宙2.0

保罗Schmutzler demonstrates key animation features in the new Red Giant Universe effects and 转换 suite.

最近,红巨星发布了《百家乐软件》.0, an updated suite of plugin filters and 转换 available now for Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro. I got my hands on them and started working with them just in time for a project that was very graphics-heavy, 而《百家乐软件app最新版下载》中的一些新功能也让我的工作轻松了许多.

这套房节省了我很多时间, and it’s perfect for those who may not have the budget for a voiceover need to put all of their instructions on-screen with text that looks good. 在我的项目中, 我用了一点平面设计的专业知识, combined it with Universe and came up with a really snappy-looking set of titles that don’t simply look like someone tried to make a video from PowerPoint.

图1(下面) 显示了我的Premiere Pro这个项目的时间轴. 如你所见, 这里所有洋红色的条形图都是图形, 有几个图层, 视频在V1轨道.

图1. 我的Premiere Pro时间表. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

The purpose of this video was to instruct people how to install this particular graphic on the glass in the right way. 我们展示了三种方式:一种糟糕的方式, with the message “Too little care will lead to product failure” in red; an OK but flawed way with a message in yellow for caution; and the preferred way, 以绿色突出显示, 如图所示 图2(下面).

图2. 绿色高亮的教学文本. 单击图像以查看其全尺寸.

你可以在 随附的教程视频1分40秒. Now we'll go backwards and I'll show you what I've done and how I've used Universe to make my job a lot easier.


After watching this clip you’ve basically seen every effect that I used in this entire video. 我重复使用了相同的样式,以保持整个外观的一致性, 在这里和那里改变一些参数. I changed the text size and the graphic size so that everything is uniform. Starting from the top, I have the logo bug up in the right-hand corner. 它有一个纯灰色的条后面有一些不透明度, 这将贯穿整个赛道.

正如你在视频的开头看到的, 商标不在那里, 然后它飞进来,出现在角落里. That is based on one of Universe's newest features called Logo Motion. 我们有几个选择. 首先,选择想要控制的轨道. 我的头衔,你可以在 图1 is on track V6, so that's what I have to select, and then I can choose a preset. 宇宙2.0 has a great preset browser that makes choosing the preset very quick (下面的图3). 一旦你选择了一个预设, you're not tied to it; you can easily modify in the settings after choosing and previewing the effect.

图3. 选择预设

As you scroll over a preset, Universe shows you very fast what it will look like. 总是有不同的选择. 它们中的大多数都很基本, 比如改变方向, 但我选择的是左下角的虫轴. 我把它从左下角改成了右上方, 但这并没有真正改变这个预设的主要效果, 这涉及到它如何出现在屏幕上和离开屏幕. I selected that by clicking on the preset and then clicking Select.

在这个宇宙效果的效果控制中(下面的图4), you can choose to use the clip length for the duration of the effect, 也就是说只要这段视频还在赛道上, the graphic to which you’ve applied the effect will fly in at the beginning for the duration that you set, 然后在最后, 无论你停在哪里. In between the Transition Duration for coming in and off screen, there's an Idle Duration. You can use this to cause an idle animation to happen while the graphic on screen.

图4. 应用效果的控件

I chose None for the Idle Animation because I didn't want the logo moving around and distracting viewers from the text that users need to read at the bottom of the screen, or from the action happening on the video track in the background.

They need to read the instruction, see the instruction and nothing else. The logo is just for branding when the video plays on YouTube so people know where it came from. 在可用的空闲动画选项(下面的图5), I like Hover a lot because it just makes the logo slowly bounce in place, up and down. 你可以控制这个动作, 说, 它从屏幕上弹开), 通过调整空闲动画属性.

图5. 选择悬停空闲动画选项

你也可以调整比例、锚定和动态模糊. If you want it to have some blur when the graphic comes on screen, it will ease onto the screen with a natural-looking blur effect.

This tutorial walks viewers through a number of cool new effects, 转换, 和文本动画工具在红巨人的综合插件包, and shows how to navigate and customize the preset options available with each effect.
Clear Online Video's Stjepan Alaupovic explains how to systemize your media wrangling and backup using Red Giant's Offload app.
This tutorial will demonstrate how to use the Red Giant Instant 4K plug-in for Adobe Premiere Pro or After Effects to upgrade your 1080p footage in 4K projects.