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Video Tutorial: Three Workflow-Enhancing Tips in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

Video encoding and editing expert 1月时 provides three useful tips that will enhance your workflow and get you out of some editing jams in your Adobe Premiere Pro projects: editing audio without unlinking; Fill Left and Fill Right to create stereo audio; and creating nested sequences for smoother edits and creating reusable set pieces in your projects.

Recently I was working on a screencam project and ran into three minor problems that all have very elegant solutions in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. 这些都不是改变生活的建议, but if you experience the same problems-and sometime you will-you'll be glad to know the techniques I'm about to show you.


当我将屏幕截图放入时间轴时, 一切听起来都很好,直到最后. 到上面视频的0:40处听听我听到了什么.

And, of course, it's not a preset on how to use Sorenson Squeeze, it's a tutorial. 所以这需要改变. Now, whenever you drop audio/video content into the timeline in Premiere Pro, they're linked. So I need to get rid of the audio, but I need to keep the video. If I try to drag the audio track because they're linked, the video track gets dragged as well.

现在,我可以把这两种形式的内容分开. To do this, you choose Clip > Unlink (see 下面的图1)足够简单, but then you have to link the audio and video up again if you were going to do any further editing, and any trimming you'd do on the video or audio with the tracks unlinked would result in sync problems.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图1. Choosing Clip > Unlink to unlink the video and audio for a clip.

The quicker solution is to press the Option key (Mac OS) or the Alt key (Windows), and if you look at the message at the bottom of the screen shown in 图2(下面),您会看到Option/Alt键覆盖了链接或组. So what I'm going to do is override the link by pressing the Option key (again Alt key for Windows users).

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图2. 使用Option键覆盖链接或组

And then I can drag just the audio portion of the clip, as shown in 图3(下面). 我不需要先解除连接. 一旦你停止按Option/Alt键,链接就会返回. 这是一个很好的, 快速编辑视频,而不是音频或, 就像我们刚才做的那样, 是音频,不是视频.

Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
图3. Dragging just the audio portion of the clip without unlinking it first.

Two types of noises degrade the audio you shoot with your video: random noises like microphone clicks and pops, 以及持续的噪音,比如白噪音或空调嗡嗡声. This tutorial demonstrates how to remove both of them in Adobe Audition CS6.
1月时 sits down with Bill Roberts to discuss the trends impacting the future direction of Adobe Creative Suite for video pros, 包括3D的衰落, 4K的兴起, 第二屏幕观看. Other topics included the growth of Creative Cloud, and the development arc of Apple Final Cut Pro X.
在本教程中, 1月时 demonstrates how you can use the Neat Video plug-in to remove noise from video, 提高所有输出的输出质量.
在本教程中 you'll learn how to maximize the brightness and contrast of your video in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 using the Brightness, 对比, and Gamma Correction controls for effective and balanced adjustments.
There have been lots of comparisons between Final Cut Pro X and Premiere Pro CS6, 主要关注功能和工作流. This article discusses a series of multiple-format benchmark tests that analyzed comparative performance between the two programs.
Adobe Premiere Pro Instructor extraordinaire Luisa Winters explains how to use the new and enhanced Multi-Camera Monitor for quick and efficient multicam edits in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 in this video and text tutorial.
新版本的Adobe媒体编码器, included in the just-released CS6 collection as well as as a standalone product, 在可用性和性能方面提供了显著的改进, 还有新功能. 以下是你需要知道的.