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Tutorial: Applying Effects to a Portion of a Image with Adobe Premiere Pro’s Track Matte Effect

This tutorial demonstrates how to apply an effect to a portion of a video image while leaving the rest of the clip untouched, and how to track that portion of the image throughout the duration of the clip, 使用adobepremiere Pro CC中的Track Matte效果.
专题文章, 发布于2013年12月26日

Streaming Conference Video with the Canon XA25 and Livestream Broadcaster

How the Canon XA25 and Livestream Broadcaster proved a straightforward and effective no muss, no fuss solution for live streaming of a series of trade conference with little ramp-up time or gear-up budget.
专题文章, 发布于2013年12月18日


对功能和可用性的深入讨论, 图像质量, 以及佳能XA20/25的性能, along with comparisons to the predecessor XA10 and next-higher models XF100 and XF300 featuring the author and Andrew Jones of Dallas's The Movie Institute.
专题文章, 发布于2013年12月18日

教程:Telestream Wirecast

Wirecast 5, Telestream has significantly improved usability with a redesigned interface, 有利地扩展了产品的输入能力, 并升级了产品的管道功能,如x.264 encoding and HD-SDI output via Blackmagic Design Intensity or DeckLink cards. 在这个视频教程中了解更多,指导您完成新版本.
专题文章, 发布于2013年12月17日


In this ongoing 流媒体 Producer series on webcast video production, Shawn Lam covers the video format converters he uses in his own HD webcast workflows, 还有一种新的转换器可能就是视频转换器, 定标器, 和分配放大器来控制它们.
专题文章, 2013年12月11日发布

教程:在Adobe CC中应用外观和匹配镜头

Recent upgrades to Adobe CC make it easy to apply graded looks in Adobe Premiere Pro CC and match shots with different color temperatures via seamless roundtripping between Premiere Pro CC and SpeedGrade CC.
专题文章, 2013年12月11日发布


All of the items Adorama's Flashpoint product line are priced in the $200-$400 range, 但就质量而言,它们非常好. 它们不是最精密的仪器, 但是他们完成了工作, 这个7英寸的, 1280x800分辨率液晶显示器, 哪些标价400美元, 也不例外.
专题文章, 发布于2013年12月1日


In this review we're going to look at the Adorama Flashpoint line of Cinema DSLR Gear. We're going to start off with a broadly compatible and modular system including the Mattebox, 肩装, 和后续焦点, 最后(在另一篇评论中)是Adorama的7英寸液晶显示器.
专题文章, 2013年11月25日

回顾:matrix Monarch HD

双流用例——一个用于流, 一个用于存档或其他生产——在现场生产中非常常见, 和matrix Monarch HD, 一个995美元的小型独立流媒体/录制单元, appears to be the lowest-cost solution--and a highly competent one at that.
专题文章, 发布于2013年11月16日


How does the all-in-one that's won over the workstation crowd stack up against laptop form-factor workstations for speed, 权力, 以及流媒体生产商的可升级性?
专题文章, 2013年11月13日

回顾:Blackmagic Design Teranex 2D媒体处理器

Blackmagic Design's rackmount format converter and Thunderbolt recording/playback interface is a tightly packed workflow genie of (almost) unlimited options.
专题文章, 2013年11月13日

Blackmagic设计推出新的ultraststudio 4K模型与Thunderbolt 2.0

The new UltraStudio 4K replaces the previous model and is available now from Blackmagic Design resellers worldwide for US$995
特色的新闻, 发布于2013年11月6日

RIP, Adobe Encore; and How to Install and Use Encore CS6 with Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Adobe已经终止了adobeencore, which is bad news if you need to burn DVDs or Blu-ray Discs or build Flash DVDs. This article will discuss how to install Encore if you're a CC subscriber and don't have Encore CS6 already installed on your computer; the terms and implications of Encore's end-of-life status; and how to work around the lack of Dynamic Link transfers from Premiere Pro CC to Encore CS6.
专题文章, 发布于2013年11月6日

今日资讯公司. Partners With Mobeon to Capture and Stream From Streaming Media West 2013

Sessions will be live-streamed from the 流媒体 West conference in November
特色的新闻, 2013年10月24日

Tutorial: Applying Effects and Adjustments to Multiple Clips in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

重复的任务是视频编辑的一部分, but they don't have to be tedious in Adobe Premiere Pro CC if you use one of the multiple techniques described in this tutorial.
专题文章, 2013年10月23日

同位素rx3 vs. Adobe试听,第2部分:噪音和混响/回声减少

In this final round between audio editing champs iZotope RX 3 and Adobe Audition CC, we compare the two audio editors in noise reduction and reverb/echo reduction.
专题文章, 2013年10月14日

回顾:Camtasia Studio 8和Camtasia 2.Mac版5

If you've ever needed to record a screen with full motion to illustrate a method or process, 那么Camtasia可能会填补这个空缺.
专题文章, 2013年10月14日

同位素rx3 vs. Adobe Audition, Part 1: Declipping and Crackle-and-Pop Removal--UPDATED with iZotope Tutorial!

在由两部分组成的系列文章的第一部分中, Jan Ozer compares the declipping and crackle and pop-removal features in iZotope's new RX 3 pro audio editor to the parallel features in Adobe Audition CC.
专题文章, 2013年10月12日发布

Tutorial: Delivering to Inter网 and Intra网 Viewers with the DVEO Magnus Anytime Family of Products

This tutorial explores the workflow and application of the DVEO Magnus Anytime family of products, 它们结合了高密度H.264 encoding and an integrated streaming server for multiple screen delivery both inside and outside your firewall.
赞助的文章, 发布于2013年10月9日

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