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Live Switching/Webcasting

Review: Compact, Cost-Effective Media Wrangling Tools

In this article, 我将看看目前市场上三种经济实惠且紧凑的移动媒体争吵工具:RAVpower RP-WD01便携式媒体设备, as well as the WinBook TW800 and WinBook TW100, which are Windows 8 tablets featuring a full-size USB 3.0 port on the edge.
Featured Articles, Posted 21 Jan 2015

Streamline Your Portable Streaming System, Part 1: Streaming Software, Capture Cards, and Signal Converters

在本文中,我将重点介绍一些您可以用来组合便携式流媒体解决方案的最新设备. 有了这个设备,您可以快速,轻松地将您的工具包从一个拍摄到另一个,并使用它来提供固体, high-quality streams for small and medium-sized events.
Featured Articles, Posted 19 Jan 2015

新的广播Pix- sportzcast合作伙伴关系带来实时计分板数据广播Pix生产切换

可选的快速CG 3图形软件在现场体育赛事中添加动态图形
Featured News, Posted 13 Jan 2015


几乎所有转向4K和超高清的人都关心的两个大问题是吞吐量和存储. How are you going to manage and transfer all those additional bits?
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Jan 2015

4K Studios Streaming UHD With Blackmagic Gear

Blackmagic Design今天宣布,总部位于旧金山的4K工作室正在使用Blackmagic生产相机4K, ATEM Production Studio 4K and DaVinci Resolve, as well as a number of additional Blackmagic Design products, to help support its 4K workflow
Featured News, Posted 09 Jan 2015


Epiphan Pearl ($4,875 list) is a small, dual-input, 触摸屏驱动的视频录制和流媒体设备,用于讲座或演示文稿捕获. 本教程详细介绍了如何使用Pearl流式传输和捕获演示文稿.
Featured Articles, Posted 06 Jan 2015

AJA: HD and 4K Production

AJA产品经理Eric Norrell概述了AJA用于高清和4K制作的关键产品和应用, post-production, and streaming, 同时还介绍了集成解决方案,包括像vMix Thunder这样的AJA设备.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 02 Jan 2015

Gearing Up for 4K Production, Part 2: Cameras and Lenses

在我们关于4K现场制作的3部分系列的第2部分中, 我们将探索目前可用于专业4K制作的相机和镜头.
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Dec 2014

Production Solutions for Live Streaming, Part 2: Sony Anycast Touch

在本系列关于直播的生产解决方案的第1部分中, 我们着眼于现场制作难题的两个关键部分:摄像机和音频. 在这里,我们将看到一款为现场制作人将所有这些联系在一起的产品:索尼Anycast Touch.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 22 Dec 2014

Production Solutions for Live Streaming, Part 1: Cameras and Audio

In this 2-part series, 我们将重点介绍一些工具,当你为网络提供内容时,你可以作为内容创作者使用, beginning in this first installment with cameras and pro audio gear.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 22 Dec 2014


我们将以两种4K格式开始这个由3部分组成的系列,并讨论为什么即使大多数观众和潜在客户都不要求4K,你仍然想要在今天拍摄4K, 并开始检查4K直播生产链中的环节,着眼于连接性, codecs, and capture.
Featured Articles, Posted 22 Dec 2014

FOR-A Switcher Ascends to WorldStage

New York City-based company WorldStage, 在现场活动和娱乐技术领域领先的技术舞台提供商, 最近选择了一款for - a HVS-100便携式视频切换器,用于从公司会议到时装表演制作等活动的现场视频制作
Featured News, Posted 16 Dec 2014


AV集成商和视频传输平台开发人员可以使用强大的工具来设计单个设备管理接口进行检测, configuring, and controlling Monarch HD units in remote locations
Featured News, Posted 11 Dec 2014

FutureVideo Unveils V-Station HD Studio Capture Package

新的软件/捕获卡包使兼容PC作为一个经济实惠的多摄像头视频制作系统, 它可以同时记录4个全高清1080p @ 60fps的H视频.264 format with hundreds of hours of recording time
Featured News, Posted 10 Dec 2014

Sonnet Rolls Out New Optical Thunderbolt Cables

支持20Gbps Thunderbolt 2和10Gbps Thunderbolt连接, the Sonnet Optical Thunderbolt Cables are thin, lightweight, and durable, 其性能相当于60米距离内的铜Thunderbolt电缆.
Featured News, Posted 10 Dec 2014

Review: Paladin flypack

Smaller and smaller is the direction of mobile video production, and now video mixer, playback, recording, 流媒体服务都被塞进了越来越小的盒子里. Today I take a look at the Paladin Flypack, a Windows-based, portable production system by Paladin Innovators.
Featured Articles, Posted 09 Dec 2014

How to Become an Audio-Mixing Ninja

Featured Articles, Posted 30 Nov 2014

How to Produce an All-Day Webcast

本文将讨论晨星公司每年为其个人投资者会议举办的全天网络直播, going through the decisions made in pre-production, the vendors selected, and the workflow, and share some tips that readers take into your webcast productions.
Featured Articles, Posted 25 Nov 2014

Matrox VS4 Quad HD Capture Card Now Supports Wirecast 6.0

Matrox VS4 not only sends the video feeds to Wirecast for streaming, 它同时为nle友好的编解码器提供所有原始视频和音频馈送的高质量ISO记录
Featured News, Posted 19 Nov 2014

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