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SMW '18: Teradek's 乔恩 Landman Introduces the HEVC-Ready VidiU GO

蒂姆Siglin interviews Teradek VP Marketing 乔恩 Landman at 流媒体 West 2018.

了解更多关于绑定和HEVC流 流媒体的下一个事件.


蒂姆Siglin: 欢迎回到流媒体西部2018. 我是蒂姆·西格林, 流媒体杂志的特约编辑, and the Founding Executive Director of the not-for-profit HelpMe! 流. 今天我请来了来自Teradek的乔恩 Landman. 乔恩, we've got a product that you had on the show floor and as I understand, 这是刚刚出来的.

乔恩·兰德曼: 是的,我们开始发货了.

蒂姆Siglin: 那么,vidu Go到底有什么好处呢?

乔恩·兰德曼: Well, let's first talk about, how does this feel to you?

蒂姆Siglin: 摸起来很结实. It's got a whole bunch of antennas on it obviously.

乔恩·兰德曼: 正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: So I'm guessing those antennas are for bonded cellular.

乔恩·兰德曼: 是的. This is giving us the ability to bond integrated SIMs. 所以我集成了两个蜂窝sim卡. I have wireless integrated and ether网 integrated. And from a back standpoint, as you say, the WiFi antennas.

蒂姆Siglin: 然后是键合蜂窝网络和以太网. 以太网是1g?

乔恩·兰德曼: 是的, and we have the ability to bond both the ether网 with the WiFi and the cellular. And we can take in any video format, whether that be an SDI or HDMI.

蒂姆Siglin: 是802吗.11ac?

乔恩·兰德曼: 是的,是这样的.

蒂姆Siglin: 很好. So if you're bonding together those, you actually get a pretty nice throughput.

乔恩·兰德曼: 绝对. This is with our latest chipset that actually does HEVC. If you go to our website, you'll see some samples of HEVC 编码. I put up some half-a-meg and they look absolutely phenomenal. We've spent a lot of time and a lot of effort in designing something that we feel is ready for the years ahead.

It’s ergonomically designed, and it's very, very solid. We've spent a huge amount of time taking a look at how this whole thing is put together. 它流动,感觉很好. It's actually something that we're very, very proud of from an engineering and design point of view.

蒂姆Siglin: So is this both a heat sink on the bottom as well as a connection plate to connect to the back of a camera?

乔恩·兰德曼: 绝对. Or a stand to put it next to a switcher, for example.

蒂姆Siglin: And obviously with the standoff that you have on here with the heat sink to be able to dissipate heat, and then on the front you've got a multi-line display. I'm assuming it does Facebook, YouTube, and others?

乔恩·兰德曼: We can go virtually to any and every CDN that you can imagine, whether it be Facebook or Periscope. Now we're going to be rolling this out to send a feed to our core platform, 哪个是我们基于云管理的平台. Something that we've just released in the management platform is the ability to take two feeds from two encoders, 创建一个作为主服务器, 一个作为备份, 手动在两者之间切换, or set one as a true backup that if there is a hiccup in the connection, 失败转移将会失败转移.

我们还可以加载文件. 例如, 在这段视频中,我们将在Facebook上直播, 但我们没有准备任何预卷. 现在我可以用预卷加载文件了.

蒂姆Siglin: 按下按钮,让它播放那个.

乔恩·兰德曼: 然后切换到我们的实时画面. We've also integrated with some graphics companies, Singular and some others. And we'll be rolling out full graphics packages with the core platform.

蒂姆Siglin: And I would assume if you're working with graphics packages, that means you've got alpha channel and some of that ability to overlay.

乔恩·兰德曼: Overlays and greenscreens, slo-mos, rewinds, and all those kinds of things.

蒂姆Siglin: 它的基本价格是多少?

乔恩·兰德曼: 起价在1600美元左右. 然后你可以添加模拟市民,调制解调器. But our aim is that your out of the box experience is great. You want to just get this unit, turn it on, and it just works.

蒂姆Siglin: 当你跑着开枪时.

乔恩·兰德曼: 我们不必使用蜂窝电话, 但我想如果有人做过直播, we all know and have experienced how there are problems with ether网 connections, when the report is closed or someone cuts the cable, 正确的? So you'll always have to think about what is your backup. 你在用什么做后备? 也许什么都没有.

蒂姆Siglin: 对,最终这就是问题所在. And what's interesting is there's a fairly robust cellular signal into this building, 这很令人惊讶, 因为大多数场馆都喜欢这样, 它被切断了, 但那绝对是, 这将是一个很好的退路.

乔恩·兰德曼: 正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: 太棒了. 乔恩,一如既往地感谢你的宝贵时间. 还有video Go,什么时候发货?

乔恩·兰德曼: 月底之前.

蒂姆Siglin: 不错的. 好吧. So you can get yours for your Christmas stocking stuffer if you like. 我是蒂姆·西格林, and we'll be 正确的 back with the next interview.

Anthony burrokas评论了新的Teradek Wave, 结合成键, 编码, 流媒体, 记录, and monitoring in a single compact devices that users control using Teradek's handy 流媒体 app on its 7" touchscreen.
Anthony Burokas provides an in-depth look at the Teradek Vidiu X Live 流ing Encoder.