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It’s no wonder that consumers are protesting explicitly or implicitly. 越来越多的人明确地通过剪脐带来做到这一点, ditching live-linear programming in favor of watching YouTube or Netflix content, but an equal number are figuring out ways to subvert their own MVPDs by refusing to take part in the advertising mating dance that’s pervaded even on-demand content offerings like Hulu.


对于传统的电视观众, the ability to skip through commercials has always been a hard-fought goal. 追溯到ReplayTV, an entrant into DVRs and streaming back when few of us had even heard of streaming, the cat-and-mouse game between broadcasters and time-shifting viewers has often started with a technology revolution and ended with a litigated gagging of the technology’s use.

最近的案例是一只袋鼠的形状, 或者至少用一个人的名字, 被Dish Network称为Hopper.

Hopper acts as a central control unit for a number of smaller STBs throughout the viewer’s house, 这些小单位被精心地命名为乔伊. Hopper allows advertising to be skipped with its TiVo-like live television DVR functionality, and it also provides the ability to stream content to a number of Joey units throughout the house. Did I mention this is partly possible due to the fact that Sling is part of the Dish Network’s ecosystem?

Dish Network的霍珀和乔伊生态系统, 包括Sling, 让消费者跳过广告, 家中多个DVR功能.

在某些方面, the Hopper/Joey combination falls more in line with the approach to DVR functionality advocated for years by activist groups like the Natural 百家乐软件 Defense Council, 比传统的mvpd方法更有效. NRDC has been pushing MVPDs towards STB units that consume much lower power, but research shows that even EnergyStar compliant DVRs in use across the USA still consume power “equivalent to the annual output of nine average (500 MW) coal-fired power plants.”

Dish限制每户只能安装一台DVR的举措, combined with additional streaming units to deliver the on-demand content to numerous other televisions, 剃须整体功耗. Yet it fails to pass muster with the MVPD solely because it threatens the status quo of advertising revenue that’s been with us almost since the advent of television itself.

”在一起, Aereo and Dish represent a devastating potential one-two punch,《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的杰夫·伯科维奇写道, “with Aereo undermining the networks’ ability to charge distributions retransmission fees (worth an estimated $3 billion by 2015) and Hopper handicapping their efforts to sell advertising.”


If the traditional MVPD is fighting the battle to retain potential cord cutters, is there any hope of gaining new customers from the millennial crowd that’s been aptly dubbed, 到目前为止, “永不脐带”的一代?

换句话说, is there a strategy that successfully entices the OTT crowd to try traditional live-linear television?

That question was front and center during a recent market analysis and strategy project that Transitions, 公司., a consulting firm I co-founded in 2003, provided for a broadcast-focused customer in late 2013.

It turns out the answer is “yes” but only if “永不脐带”的一代 is given freedom to choose their own programming. 理想情况下,这种选择是基于程序的, 退回到逐个通道的选择. 换句话说,就是极端的拆解.

The industry has had almost two decades to plan for the channel-by-channel option, but has never really wanted the general public to know about it, hiding the option behind both a bundling scheme and excessive per-channel prices.

今天就给你的有线电视公司或MVPD打电话试试, and make the request that you only want one channel of service. Pick any channel that’s considered premium, from ESPN to HBO. If your MVPD will even speak to you about this option—the 1996 Telecommunications Act requires it, but not every MVPD customer service representative has knowledge of it, even 22 years on—the price they will quote for a single channel of live linear programming will meet or exceed the cost of the 25-plus channels they sell you as part of a basic bundle.

这背后的经济学甚至都不健全, as cord-cutting has siphoned off profits and a viewership drop at some MVPDs is accelerating based on the desire of many viewers to watch what they want when they want it. “电视无处不在”的整个概念很有趣, but it still forces the potential MVPD customer to buy in bulk when they want to consume a targeted diet.

To put this into an analogy that both the cord-never demographic and the MVPD executives might understand, consider a bar scenario: If one goes into a bar and orders a glass of wine, that glass of wine may cost about 25% higher than the per-glass cost if one bought an entire bottle. That’s classic economy of scale, and accounts for wastage among other financial factors.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


“OTT”一词用于多种类型的视频传输. Here are the different OTT workflow models, and the various ways they bring videos to viewers.