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Articles for 马克·弗里茨

Case Study: No Good TV Won't Be Ignored

在网络世界,就像在现实世界一样,金钱万能,成功使批评沉默. 只要能继续赚钱,好的电视节目不可能低俗到极致.在网络世界,就像在现实世界一样,金钱万能,成功使批评沉默. 只要能继续赚钱,好的电视节目不可能低俗到极致.

新闻papers in Multimedia Metamorphosis (Part 2)

The newspaper as we once knew it is no more. A whole new world of journalism beckons.

Case Study: IBM Takes Webcasting to the Desktop

IBM has been webcasting for more than a decade. But with the help of IVT Studio, Big Blue is making it accessible to anyone in the organization, from division managers to the C-suite.
星期五.9月. 21, 马克·弗里茨

Case Study: Jyske Bank Serves Espresso, Enterprise Video

With the help of Media Publisher, Envivio, Stratacache, and IBM Services, 除了更传统的金融服务外,这家丹麦银行还为客户提供令人眼花缭乱的视频体验.

Case Study: Marketing to Marketers With On-Demand Video

首席营销官委员会(CMO Council)认为自己找到了更好的营销方式. 它更好的方式是通过ON24制作和主持的点播迷你网络广播.

Movidity Takes Unique Approach to 手机视频 Sharing

与Verizon和YouTube提供的基于订阅的封闭式视频花园形成鲜明对比, Movy.TV将允许用户在移动设备上按次付费观看视频.
我的.12月. 11, 马克·弗里茨

Schooled in Streaming

而流媒体在高校中还没有达到BMOC的地位, it is no longer a wet-behind-the-ears freshman plebe. Many schools have caught on to streaming media and tried it, and now they are ready to take it to the next grade level. Such is the case at Lamar University, 马里斯特学院, Seattle Community Colleges, and on the main campus at Sandia National Laboratory.

燕尾vs. 金刚

By focusing on video quality and professionally-produced content, 并让内容创作者更多地控制他们的作品如何被分享, Dovetail希望能把YouTube从视频分享的高塔上拉下来.
外胎.11月. 马克·弗里茨著

NASA Takes Streaming Into Space

美国国家航空航天局很快将从国际空间站直播高清视频. In order to get there, 该机构必须在不增加太多发射重量或占用太多机载空间的情况下找到硬件和软件的正确组合.
外胎., June 6, 马克·弗里茨


零件垫圈制造商和NASCAR赞助商在Flash提供视频支持后立即留下了录像带. 现在, 该公司通过在线提供所有的销售和客户培训,节省了时间和金钱.

Breeze: “A Wonderful Juxtaposition of Synchronous and Asynchronous”

ULiveandLearn使用Adobe的Macromedia Breeze来构建在线培训计划, including one in the works for media training guru TJ Walker.

流媒体 for Motorheads

Autobytel的六个网站提供数小时的音频和视频内容,以帮助精明的消费者在购车时做出明智的选择, 再加入一点杰·雷诺和帕丽斯·希尔顿,让事情变得有趣起来.

The Blackboard LMS Goes to Medical School


Grabbing, Ripping, and Saving Streams

Applian是提供流媒体音频和视频记录软件的几家公司之一. That’s a boon to consumers, but what about the legal implications?

Leaping from the Print Sphere to the Vlogosphere

CMP的 新闻节目 保持真正的独立精神的视频博客通过提供每日技术报告与天赋和技巧.

Proponents Hope IP Multimedia Subsystems Will Propel Convergence

Technology’s combination of VoIP, 细胞, 而WiFi让一位分析师称之为融合的“圣杯”.

From the OR to the Desktop:


Case Study: Webcasting Fosters Better Parents in Washington


Case Study: Automatic Stream Insertion

雅虎!谷歌的AdVision将把信息流放入广告空间的过程自动化. This lets designers focus on what they’re best at, instead of on the nuts and bolts of bytes and bitrates.

Solving the DAM Problem

When your media becomes too much to handle on your own, 像Onstream的DMSP这样的数字资产管理(DAM)解决方案可以挽救这一天.

Case Study: Streaming Medical Education to the Mideast

Envivio基于mpeg -4的Mindshare系统可以让康奈尔医学院的教授在卡塔尔给学生上课

Case Study: The Tax Show for the Tax Pro

美国国税局的“今日税务谈话”让税务专业人士了解最新的法规. 对于流媒体行业来说,它提供了一个服务提供商协同合作的教科书范例.

Case Study: Bringing the Mountain to Online Viewers

From small rural churches to gospel superstars like T.D. 杰克斯,九系统在宗教网络广播市场上取得了成功.


从教育多媒体到国会图书馆的二战老兵口述历史项目, 多媒体教学网络传输系统流入全国的教室.

Video Tools for IP Schools


Fiber, Convergence, and Communities of the Future

光纤技术在犹他州的普罗沃市扎根,市政府建立了宽带基础设施. Some residents will soon be able to have access, over the city's fiber optic network (known as the iProvo network), to a converged IP service from 首页Net Communications

Case Study: IBM "Flashes Up" e新闻letter

当IBM意识到其基于html的IT通讯无法完成工作时, the company looked to ForwardView to provide Interactivity.

Case Study: Smarter Transportation with Network Video Appliances

越来越多的州的交通部门正在通过流媒体视频监控他们的高速公路, 将数字视频监控和监控系统集成到智能交通系统中.

Sports Drive IP Video Subscription Services

Lack of ubiquitous broadband access means that, 至少现在是这样, 当流媒体还在牛棚里热身的时候,下载已经统治了投手丘. 但越来越多的内容传送门户网站开始提供免费的流媒体服务来吸引用户, in the hopes that they’ll pay for downloads.

Case Study: ViewCentral Helps Xerox Get Serious 关于 在线研讨会

协作管理工具允许办公产品巨头安排和交付多个网络广播, 以及提供管理报告和分析工具,帮助他们分析他们的有效性.

Tools for Schools: Streaming Helps Teachers Reach More Students

When it comes to the task of revitalizing public education, 流媒体的力量已经被证明不仅仅是炒作. 举例来说, Los Angeles' Olive Vista Middle School, 在哪里,流媒体视频剪辑能够成功且经济有效地激发年轻人的思维.


该公司的即时通讯服务Instant Communicator已经在在线约会领域起飞. 但克利夫兰诊所的安装表明,它也有严重的一面.

Case Study: For DSM Chemical, VOD Spells Satisfaction

With the help of Axonix's SuperView server, 该公司正从视频点播培训的强大和便利中获利.