Streaming Media Showcase

在流媒体西部20022流媒体展示是您开发一个流媒体技术和服务提供商的简短列表,可以帮助您克服在线视频挑战的机会. 您将获得独家访问世界领先公司的机会,这些公司正在开辟通往数字媒体新时代的道路. 我们的展示厅被设计为与会者的会议和聚会场所, speakers, and industry experts. Here, you can share ideas, seek advice, and mingle with friends, colleagues, and thought leaders in the industry. 请尽快查看在展示时间内安排的会面列表. Access to the Showcase is included in all pass options.

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Showcase Hours

Tuesday, November 15, 2022
10:00 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

Click Here to View the Showcase Floor Plan [PDF]

Diamond Sponsors

Booth 18

Dolby.io是杜比实验室的一个新的开发平台,将几十年的杜比视觉和声音技术交给开发人员,以提供高质量的通信, real-time streaming, and media processing solutions — at scale. 该平台包括一套功能强大的自助api, SDKs, 和UI组件,使开发人员能够轻松地将音频/视频聊天功能集成到他们的应用程序中, 部署亚秒级延迟的实时流媒体服务, 并在现有工作流程中添加媒体处理功能,以提高音频和视频文件的质量. 凭借其可访问性,易用性和一流的音频创新,杜比.io is powering the future of immersive, interactive, 以及与现实世界的体验相媲美的社交网络体验.

Booth 19
Tulix Systems

自流媒体视频开始以来,Tulix一直提供流媒体解决方案和服务. We provide live event streaming with low latency, OTT and IPTV solutions, plus TullixCDN, a low cost and efficient content delivery network. Tulix从我们的数据中心提供视频播放和云生成,适合所有类型的内容所有者. Tulix还拥有FAST和FAST网络和频道服务,并与门户网站合作,用于聚合和货币化流媒体频道和内容. Tulix提供端到端视频传输服务和平台,包括转码, content management, monetization and billing, analytics, security, and apps for viewers and subscribers. We serve content owners, broadcasters, OTT and IPTV operators, enterprises, house of worship and live event streaming customers. Tulix services make streaming, video delivery, 向观众和订阅者提供内容既简单又经济.

Booth 35

紫溪提供了一个基于云的本地软件定义视频平台,可以在任何IP网络上实现可靠的广播质量视频传输, any protocol, any cloud provider and any edge device. The company offers technologies for broadcasters, enterprises, over-the-top video providers, and mobile service providers around the world.

Platinum Sponsors

Booth 5
AMAGI Corporation

Amagi是一家下一代媒体技术公司,为广播电视和流媒体电视平台提供云广播和定向广告解决方案. Amagi enables content owners to launch, 在免费广告支持的流媒体电视和视频百家乐软件上分发和货币化直播线性频道. Amagi还提供24x7云管理服务,带来了简单性, advanced automation, and transparency to the entire broadcast operations. Overall, Amagi supports 700+ content brands, 800+ playout chains, 在40多个国家的平台上有超过2100个频道交付. Amagi has a presence in New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, London, Paris, Melbourne, Seoul, Singapore, and broadcast operations in New Delhi, and an innovation center in Bangalore.

Booth 3

50多年来,AMD一直在推动高性能计算领域的创新, graphics, and visualization technologies. Billions of people, leading Fortune 500 businesses, 世界各地的尖端科研机构每天都依靠AMD的技术来改善他们的生活, work, and play. AMD员工专注于打造领导力、高性能和适应性强的产品,以突破可能的界限.

Booth 4
Backblaze Inc.

The Backblaze Storage Cloud makes it astonishingly easy to store, use, and protect data for businesses, institutions, and IT professionals. Backblaze B2 Reserve, a channel offering, delivers capacity pricing, budget predictability, waived transaction fees, premium support, and data migration. Backblaze为超过175个国家的50多万客户提供服务.

Booth 34
Digital Element

Digital Element的IP地理定位技术提供有关在线用户的位置等信息, connection type, VPN/proxy, and more. Using our privacy-sensitive, 准确可靠的数据使您能够主动控制数字资产, reduce associated risks, and preserve the online experience.

流媒体IP定位和智能解决方案:内容保护, Legal Compliance, Distribution Management, Identity Resolution, Audience Engagement, and Attribution & Measurement.

Customers such as Starz Entertainment, YouView, Vubiquity, Deluxe, Channel 5, Tik Tok, Dish, Adobe, Oracle, Nielsen Gracenote and many more, utilize our solutions.

Booth 21
Harmonic Inc.

Harmonic, 虚拟化有线接入和视频传输解决方案的全球领导者, 使媒体公司和服务提供商能够向全球消费者提供超高质量的视频流和广播服务. 该公司通过业界首个虚拟化有线接入解决方案彻底改变了有线接入网络, 使有线电视运营商能够更灵活地为消费者的家庭和移动设备部署千兆互联网服务. 是否通过创新的云和软件平台简化OTT视频传输, 或者为千兆互联网有线电视服务的交付提供动力, Harmonic正在改变媒体公司和服务提供商将每一块屏幕上的直播和点播内容货币化的方式.

Booth 24

Microsoft empowers media & 娱乐组织通过一个可信和安全的平台实现更多目标,该平台由一个全面的合作伙伴生态系统支持,该生态系统具有行业领先的解决方案,可以简化制作工作流程,并使用行业领先的工具扩展内容创作, intelligent processes, and automation on an open and secure platform; empower individuals and teams with intelligent and secure tools for anywhere, anytime productivity, collaboration, and teamwork; improve content management, distribution, and monetization through automated processes on an intelligent and secure cloud; simplify access to insights from multi-channel data to drive informed, proactive decision-making; and deepen fan and audience engagement with personalized, connected, and immersive experiences across all channels, platforms, and venues.

Booth 16
TAG Video Systems

TAG Video Systems是100%基于软件的集成IP多视场系统的全球领导者, Probing and Monitoring solutions.  Introducing its first IP solution in 2008, today TAG supports over 100,在四个主要的广播应用-现场制作中,有000个探测/监控点, Playout/Master Control, Distribution and OTT. TAG的零摩擦理念允许广播公司和内容分销商尽量减少复杂性, manage the pace of change, while competitively enabling business operations. 100%的软件平台支持压缩和非压缩格式, including MPEG TS, JPEG- XS, CDI, NDI, JPEG2000, SMPTE 2110, SMPTE 2022-6/7, MPEG-DASH and HLS. TAG的解决方案运行在标准商用现货硬件(COTS)和云上, 提供最先进的IP监控和分析工具,结合标准和移动设备显示器上的最高质量UHD Multiviewer. 

Booth 33

For nearly twenty-five years, Telestream®一直处于数字视频行业创新的前沿. The company develops products for media processing and workflow orchestration, live capture, streaming, production, video quality assurance, virtual events and video hosting, content management, and video and audio test solutions. Available on premises or in the cloud as well as in hybrid combinations, 电视流解决方案可以可靠地将视频内容提供给任何观众, regardless of how it is created, distributed or viewed.

Booth 6
Tencent Cloud

Tencent Cloud is a leading global cloud and CDN provider. It is the cloud computing branch of Tencent, 世界上最大的科技公司之一,以及包括顶级社交媒体在内的生态系统, gaming, entertainment, and media platforms. With vast global infrastructure, engagement teams around the world, 拥有丰富的经验,为广大用户群提供最佳的数字互动, 腾讯云提供强大的技术解决方案,帮助企业在亚洲和全球取得成功.

Booth 2
Varnish Software

Varnish软件强大的缓存技术帮助世界上最大的内容提供商为广大受众提供闪电般的网络和流媒体体验, without downtime or loss of performance.

Our customers include Hulu, Emirates, and Tesla, 我们的技术由缓存层提供支持,该缓存层受到全球超过1000万个网站的信任.

Gold Sponsors

Booth 12
Evertz Microsystems

Evertz是设计和制造电视广播视频和音频基础设施设备的全球领导者, television distribution, telecommunications and cable industries. Evertz为包括内容创作在内的广播制作的各个方面提供专业的视频服务和完整的端到端广播解决方案, signal distribution and content delivery. Evertz’ focus on file-based, routing, compression, and media transport solutions allows its customers to meet today’s ever-growing business needs; while reducing costs, extending their services, 并从传统的线性播放到非线性播放路径产生新的收入.

Booth 32

MainStreaming作为EDGE交付网络诞生,用于大规模的广播级实时视频流. It empowers media, telco, enterprises, 和游戏公司确保为他们的用户提供最佳的体验质量,同时提供可扩展性和对视频分发过程的全面管理.  


Booth 23

MediaValet站在数字资产管理的最前沿, 视频内容管理和创意运营行业. 仅在微软Azure上构建,可在全球140个国家的61个微软数据中心区域使用, MediaValet提供无与伦比的企业级安全性, reliability, redundancy, compliance, and scalability; while offering the largest global footprint of any DAM solution. In addition to providing enterprise, cloud-native DAM capabilities at a global scale, desktop-to-server-to-cloud support for creative teams, and overall cloud redundancy, continuity and management for all source, WIP and final assets, MediaValet提供业界领先的与Slack的集成, Adobe Creative Suite, Microsoft Office 365, Workfront, Wrike, Drupal, WordPress和许多其他一流的第三方应用程序. 


Quickplay是体育、媒体和娱乐领域OTT云转型的行业领导者. Quickplay已经为25个一级服务提供了下一代OTT解决方案, across 50+ markets, for the world’s largest MVPDs, Telcos and Direct-to-Consumer services. 我们的云原生平台和开放式架构提供了无与伦比的性能, extensibility, and scalability. 

Booth 15

Zenlayer is a massively distributed edge cloud provider, 在45个国家运营着270多个网点. 企业利用Zenlayer的按需云计算和网络服务在边缘部署和运行应用程序. Zenlayer使组织能够即时大规模地改善实时数字体验. Visit us online at and connect with us on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Bronze Sponsors

Booth 1
Osprey Video

鱼鹰视频公司的优质视频捕捉技术长期以来一直推动着广播等行业的关键任务视频传输, internet TV, and surveillance, to enterprise, government, and aerospace. 现在,其旗舰捕获卡和驱动程序中的技术是其端到端编码和解码产品系列的基础, 让客户在所有环境中满足对视频越来越高的期望, including more traditional A/V workflows such as education, corporate communications, and houses of worship. 公司不断扩大其产品组合,以满足客户对高品质的需求, reliable tools in ever-evolving video applications.

Booth 14
Universal Search LLC

通用搜索和发现有限责任公司(USAND)是实现多平台流通用搜索的领导者. 自2017年以来,USAND已经在包括Roku在内的所有流媒体平台上安装了数百个应用程序作为通用搜索, FireTV, AppleTV/IOS, Google TV/Android, Samsung TV+, VIZIO  Comcast etc. and is the preferred partner for both Roku and VIZIO.  

作为视频内容的通用搜索和发现的一部分,可以立即增加(通常是翻倍)新用户获取, app installs, and total viewership. USAND的搜索解决方案与领先的ovp和应用程序开发商(包括Brightcove)集成在一起, JW Player, Zype, Maz, Applicaster, Castify, DotStudioPro, Viewlift, Vimeo, TringApps, and many others. 

To learn more Contact:

Booth 7
WiseDV使您能够流式传输和货币化您的内容与快速-交互式云或本地播放与实时SCTE-35触发摄取, Live and VOD - Server and Client Side Ad Insertion, OTT platform with connected devices apps, Subscriber management platform for OTT and IPTV, 低延迟基于WebRTC的体育直播和60帧/秒的电子竞技流与watchparty平台 , Remote Studio, 以及所有基于有线和广播技术的传统模拟信号.
参观WiseDV 7号展位,观看使用SCTE 35的WisePlay交互式播放服务器演示, Live Feed Ingest, HTML5 Overlay, Automated Captions, Rule-based Graphics and Scheduling.  

Exhibiting Companies

Booth 8
Booth 9
Streaming Media Magazine

Streaming Media 杂志是投资企业的机构可信赖的百家乐软件, news/entertainment, 以及流媒体和其他数字媒体的教育应用. 在线音频和视频现在是商业和消费者内容的首选交付方式, and Streaming Media magazine covers the processes, products, and services that make it happen. 现在就在我们的网站上注册免费订阅.

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