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2024年3月/ 4月-资料手册


Buyers' Guide: Field Monitors, Monitor/Recorders, and Recorders

虽然看起来很奇怪, there are other essential production tools used in the field besides camcorders, 麦克风, and the switchers and encoders for live-switched streams. Historically, field monitors were luxuries that most crews didn't use except on higher-end shoots. One reason for field monitors' former scarcity was that portable CRT monitors that could be hooked up to cameras were expensive and too bulky for run-and-gun productions. 直到大约20年前, even the idea of a color viewfinder or color flip-out viewscreen on professional gear was fan­tasy.


This article takes a look at 12 options you can pick from when looking to produce live-switched video: Boinx mimoLive, 广播Pix教堂Pix, Ecamm生活, ManyCam, 奥林匹克广播服务公司工作室, PRISM Live Studio, Vizrt TriCaster, Telestream Wirecast, vMix, Vimeo直播工作室, 和XSplit广播

How to Deploy GPAC for FFmpeg Packaging and ABR Distribution

As much as we love FFmpeg for transcoding op­erations, it can get frustrating when packag­ing your content for ABR delivery. 由packag-ing, I mean formatting and segmenting your media files, creating manifest files for HLS and DASH, for - matting for CMAF, and managing multiple audio and subtitle streams. Fortunately, there are easier-to-use solutions that are equally open source and equal­ly free. In this article, I'll focus on GPAC, which is a great packaging alternative.

Streamticker: The Biggest Streaming Mergers & 2023年的收购

When it comes to mergers and acquisitions in the streaming industry and M&E marketplace in 2023 and an accounting of the year's most consequential deals, it makes the most sense to open at the close: Disney's early-November announcement that it would fully subsume Hulu into its empire with a buyout that completed an acquisition initiated in pre-pandemic 2019.

The State of Edge Compute and Delivery 2024

In this year's State of Edge Compute and Delivery, I'm going to explore the three edges that seem to matter most for streaming: aggregation, on-prem, 和地区.


Is the state of education video in 2024 the quiet before or after the storm? 大流行近在眼前, we approach a crossroads where it will be determined whether enterprise-scale video hosting and management services will remain profitable at the prices that schools are willing to carry in the new normal. It's unlikely that we'll cross a point of no return this year, but I recommend keep­ing an eye out for signs that will either allay or am­plify concerns about the long-term future of schools having a degree of ownership and control of the vid­eo services they rely on.


Pricing, parity, and protection are three key themes in 2024's enterprise video market


直播内容以体育为主导, and fan appetite—much like bidding for rights—shows no sign of slowing down as the calendar turns to 2024.

The State of Streaming Sustainability 2024

How do others see us, and how do we measure our progress? New data on streaming power consumption will al­low the industry to target further reductions in power consumption while working toward longer-term solu­tions that reuse old technologies alongside current best practices as a way to extend the life of streaming tech for years to come.


It's been 3-plus years since the MPEG codec explosion that brought us VVC, LCEVC, and EVC. Rather than breathlessly trumpet every single-digit quality improvement or design win, I'll quickly get you up-to-speed on quality, 可玩性, and usage of the most commonly utilized video codecs and then explore new codec-related advancements in business and technology.


What does the future of streaming monetization look like? This post-Peak TV media ecosystem is a brave new world, and being able to find the content you want, 以你想付出的代价, will likely keep consumers on their toes for years to come.

教程:捕获视频在USB 3.0 with AJA U-TAP 3G-SDI and HDMI Devices

This tutorial explains how to capture a full HD signal up to 1920x1080 60fps with the AJA U-TAP series of devices and highlights ingest into OBS for macOS and Zoom for Windows

欢迎来到FAST Times

2023 got everyone on the same page: FAST should be part of the me­dia mix whether you are a content provider, 一个电视台, 或者一个分销平台.



The recent Subscription Wars report commissioned by U.K.-based digital payments tech company Bango points to consumer dissatisfaction with the fractured state of subscription services in general and the increasing appeal of indirect subscription options and super-bundles of aggregated services sold through telcos like Optus in Australia. Perhaps it's another sign of less-than-inspiring times that the best thing consumers say streaming services can do for them is to stop standing out from the crowd and start disappearing into it.

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