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Atomos宣布佳能EOS C100支持忍者-2和现场记录器

Ninja-2 is now shipping for $995; Canon EOS C100 shipping in November for MSRP $7,999
Featured News, Posted 11 Sep 2012

AJA为MacBook、Ki Pro和Ki Pro机架无磁带视频录制设备推出KiStor

AJA Ki Pro系列产品可实现快速高效的工作流程,将传统的模拟和数字采集格式连接到简单的编辑就绪文件中
Featured News, Posted 11 Sep 2012

Anton/Bauer Showcases AB-HDRF Transmitter System at IBC

Anton/Bauer's AB-HDRF System COFDM transmitter utilizes the 5.8 GHz frequency band, 将其信号直接发送到AB-HDRX双分集接收器或DirectVu手持信心监视器/接收器, designed for live event use
Featured News, Posted 11 Sep 2012


Grass Valley unveils new LDX Series cameras, Karrera and Keyenne Switchers, K2 Summit 3G Media Server, K2 Dyno S Replay Controller, and GV Stratus Media Application Framework
Featured News, Posted 11 Sep 2012

Grass Valley为Trinix路由交换器引入第二代Multiviewer

紧密集成的多观看器结合了Grass Valley最新的基于fpga的标量技术,使多个视图结合图形图像显示音频, clocks, mnemonics, and tally alarms on single or multiple displays
Featured News, Posted 05 Sep 2012

Livestream Launches All-in-One Portable Live HD Production Switcher

Livestream Studio HD500 is designed to perform as a standalone, 广播质量直播视频切换时,使用现场视频输出的应用,如在场地屏幕广播, 现场录制制作,网络和地方电视节目, all with or without live streaming to the web
Featured News, Posted 05 Sep 2012

What is IMAG?

Streaming Media Producer continues its "What Is...?系列解决流媒体和现场制作世界中的基本主题,并了解IMAG, or image magnification, 一种常见和有效的方式,提供即时视频投影的发言者和表演者在公司, conference, and faith-based events. We examine the technical challenges, the required gear, 以及为同一事件的投影和流媒体生成单独提要的优选性.
What Is ..., Posted 05 Sep 2012

NewTek的新TriCaster 40:将TriCaster带回“小家伙”

NewTek回归其赋予入门级和预算有限的现场生产者的根源,其第一个低于5000美元的高清能力, multi-camera live production system
Featured Articles, Posted 29 Aug 2012

新泰克船Sub $5k TriCaster 40多摄像机现场生产系统

TriCaster 40为需要全分辨率的广播公司和制作人创造了一个新的切入点, HD, multi-camera live production and streaming capabilities, at a breakthrough price
Featured News, Posted 29 Aug 2012

SmallTree Intros GraniteSTOR Titanium4 Storage System

All-in-one Ethernet-based shared storage solution starts at $7,345, 为需要共享访问媒体文件的专业视频编辑服务,无论是在他们的家庭工作室还是在路上
Featured News, Posted 29 Aug 2012

Canon Announces EOS C100 Digital Video Camera with $7999 MSRP

The C100 digital video camera is a compact, 入门级型号,提供完整的1920x1080 AVCHD视频,并与佳能EF的70+变焦和定焦镜头兼容, EF-S and EF Cinema lens lineups; new digital cinema cameras also available
Featured News, Posted 29 Aug 2012

Atomos Showcases Ninja-2 and Samurai Field Recorders at IBC

在阿姆斯特丹举行的年度大会上,参观者将能够亲身体验忍者-2和武士使用尼康最新的D800和D4单反相机, Sony FS100, FS700 and F3 camcorders, Canon C300 and XF305, JVC 750 and the RED Epic.
Featured News, Posted 22 Aug 2012

Tutorial: Multicamera Editing in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

在本视频和文本教程中,Luisa Winters解释了如何使用新的和增强的多摄像头监视器,以便在Adobe Premiere Pro CS6中快速高效地进行多摄像头编辑.
Sponsored Articles, Posted 02 Aug 2012

Broadcast Pix Video Control Center 3.1增加多屏幕和多语言支持花岗岩和云母现场生产解决方案

设计用于驱动任何图像放大(I-MAG)屏幕的组合, Internet feeds, and live television productions
Featured News, Posted 25 Jul 2012

Review: Sony NEX-FS700 Large-Sensor Camcorder

作为一款顶级的大型传感器,索尼NEX-FS700有很多值得推荐的地方, 可更换镜头的摄像机,以及值得升级的索尼FS100的继承者. And it's 4k support and 10x slo-mo are nothing to sneeze at. 但是是什么让它成为网络直播制作人市场上最好的相机呢?
Featured Articles, Posted 23 Jul 2012

What is Live Switching?

Streaming Media Producer kicks off its "What Is...?系列解决流媒体制作世界中的基本话题,并了解实时切换, touching on the differences between switching and mixing, assembling the components and crew of a live switch, 以及“冲压”多摄像机节目或现场直播活动的基础知识.
What Is ..., Posted 03 Jul 2012

在InfoComm 2012上,Broadcast Pix公布了对1m /E线的多屏幕支持

新的多屏幕技术是驱动三图像放大(I-MAG)屏幕的理想选择, 因为每个人都享有专利技术,可以在整个演示过程中保持一帧不变的延迟,以保持口型同步
Featured News, Posted 12 Jun 2012

Roland Announces Dedicated iPad Control App for M-480

应用程序设计来控制参数的M-480数字混频器, allowing the user to store scenes and edit the Channel Strip (EQ), GEQ, Sends on Fader, and more
Featured News, Posted 12 Jun 2012

新款MacBook Pro是终极超便携直播机吗?

Due to its unprecedented screen resolution, speed, and next-gen connectivity, the new next-generation MacBook Pro, announced on Monday at Apple's World Wide Developers Conference, might just be the ticket for streaming media ultraportability, for a variety of reasons.
Featured Articles, Posted 12 Jun 2012

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