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詹姆斯粗心是一名自由科技作家,他的作品曾出现在《百家乐app下载》上, 电视技术, 和其他地方.

Articles for 詹姆斯粗心

Canadians Embracing Streaming, But Value Matters: Roku Report

In a report called 'The State of Canadian Streaming 2021,' Roku found that Canadians are streaming more, but they may not want to keep paying more

Netflix, Other OTTs Win Reprieve in 加拿大 as Bill C-10 Stalls

非选举产生的加拿大参议院要求修改广播现代化法案, likely leaving it dead in the water.

Canadian YouTube TV Viewership Grows 30% During 2020 Pandemic

加拿大人也在电视上观看更多的YouTube,这给广告商带来了新的机会. 为了利用这一点,谷歌推出了嵌入YouTube内容的品牌扩展.



Online 视频广告: What Works and What Fails

2013 looks to be a strong year in online video advertising, with interactivity and targeting as the keys to success. But be careful, because one size does not fit all.

Case Study: Bringing Passion 2013 to the Faithful Took an Army

Live streaming an event of biblical proportions -- Passion 2013, 一个为期四天的基督教会议和音乐会——做了大量的准备.

The State of Enterprise Video 2013

Video is transforming the enterprise, 易于生产, 分布, and access making it an ideal form of communication.

The State of Online 视频广告 2013

Online video advertising is taking in more money, but isn't growing as a percentage of total online advertising. What will it take for video ads to break out?

Livestream to Bring Times Square New Year’s Eve to the World

Offering over six hours of live coverage, Livestream承诺提供网络无法提供的幕后访问.

首页 Streaming Devices Buying Guide (and Gift Guide!)

Heading out to the mall one last time? 在你离开之前,了解一下人们希望在树下找到哪些设备,哪些设备绝对不希望.

流媒体 Predictions: What's in Store for 2013

看看里面有什么, 外面有什么, and what's new for the year ahead, we surveyed 11 industry leaders. 这是题目告诉我们的.

加拿大's Bell Media Revamping Dated


Superstorm Sandy a Watershed for Online 新闻 Coverage

When the storm hit and the power went out, 广播和在线新闻机构从联网的观众那里获得了线索.

Total Webcasting: An Up-and-Comer Whose Time Has Come

在缓慢的开始之后, business is booming at Total Webcasting, which delivers multi-camera live streams of major events.

HuffPost Live: Will it Succeed?

赫芬顿邮报上周大张旗鼓地推出了视频直播服务, but will it have staying power? We ask streaming producers and analysts for their take.

CNN, NBC and PBS Have Big Online Plans for Party Conventions

The games of summer continue. With the London Olympics now over, 流媒体世界将目光转向即将到来的共和党和民主党全国代表大会.

The Fall TV Launch: Time for OTT to Join In?

各大电视网每年秋季播出的电视节目都会引起轰动. 像Streamin' Garage和MyDamnChannel这样的在线视频出版商对于OTT是否也该这么做犹豫不决.



Streaming Poised to Overtake DVD and Blu-ray Rentals

今年,观众将比dvd或蓝光播放机多租10亿部流媒体电影和电视节目, 比2011年增长了135%

Break Media Finds Big Bucks in Buffoons and Babes

The Break Media websites — including Break.Com通过积极地吸引年轻男性群体,每月吸引1.2亿的访问量.

Olympic Video Online: Cord-Cutters are Out of Luck

nbc环球将直播2012年伦敦奥运会的每一项赛事. 但如果你想在线观看,你最好是有线电视、卫星电视或电信用户.


专家们对公司何时应该对自己的内容进行编码和转码进行了权衡, and when it makes sense to move to the cloud.

Thomas Dolby Streams Video Messages Back to the Future

这位音乐家和互联网先驱正在美国旅行, 加拿大, 和欧洲, 让人们为一个在线视频时间胶囊录制信息.

Streaming to All Devices: Is it Worth the Expense?

随着视频格式和视频设备数量的增长, content providers are stuck with the extra cost and effort. Is being on every platform worth it?


一流的音频至少和高质量的视频一样重要,而这一切都始于麦克风. 继续往下读,看看在购买麦克风时应该注意哪些功能.

The State of the Connected 首页 2012



在选择合适的设备制作在线视频时, it all starts with the camera. 数码单反或摄像机? 我们帮你决定.

Buyer's Guide: Transport Protocols

比较HTTP、RTSP和RTMP,并加入少量的MPEG dash.

The State of 手机视频 2012

2012年奥运会和美国奥运会.S. 总统选举将与先进的技术一起掀起移动视频消费的“完美风暴”

The State of Online 视频广告 2012

The online video advertising market has been slow to take off, 但随着平板电脑使用和社交媒体的增长——更不用说实时竞价和其他广告网络和形式的创新——它终于走向成熟.

Buyer's Guide: Media Servers

Your streaming server is the lifeblood of your business. Make sure you pick the right one for your needs.

Buyer's Guide: Video Editing Software

From format compatibility to storage integration, 以下是你在选择视频编辑器时需要考虑的问题.

Future-Proofing Content: The Key to Maximizing ROI

制作视频内容的公司如何确保它在未来的许多年里都有销路? 通过对未来的验证. 请继续阅读,了解如何保持内容新鲜和文件可访问性.

Mobivivo Wants to Create an App for Every TV Show and Movie


2012: The Year Ahead for Online Video

2011年标志着在线视频的一个拐点,2012年有望变得更大更好. We consult with experts to learn what's next.

Celebs on the Web: Hollywood Discovers Streaming Video


Online Video: To 3D or Not to 3D?

Does the wow-factor of 3D extend to online video? 这部戏剧分五幕, 我们与那些致力于让3D流媒体成为吸引消费者的选择的人进行了交谈.

How KIT Digital Will Conquer the World

KIT Digital has just finished a massive three-year buying spree. 那么接下来呢?? Here's a hint: It's thinking big. 真正的大.

Rating Online Video: How Major Corporations See the Industry

What do major corporations think of online video? 他们如何评价它的表现,他们还希望看到它提供什么? To find out, we spoke with employees from Ernst & Young, Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, and Wells Fargo.

Making Money from Streaming Video: Here's How

Four content providers — blip.电视,滑稽或死亡,圣. 约翰的大学, 和Streamin' Garage——提供他们学到的不仅仅是在网络上生存的经验教训, 但繁荣的.

MyVideoRights Thinks Big as it Expands Into the U.S.

After great success in the U.K.在美国,MyVideoRights正致力于管理美国主要内容库的使用.S., with clients including the Reda Archives

How to Get Your Video on As Many Devices as Possible

你不可能把你的内容放到所有的设备上. 但通过遵循一些简单的规则,你可以确保你的视频或应用获得最大的曝光率.




从AmberFin到VBrick, 以下是一些新产品的样本,你可以期待下周在拉斯维加斯举行的NAB展会上听到.

The State of 流媒体 and Entertainment 2011


The State of the Connected Living Room 2011

从Apple TV到Roku,市场上从来不缺少联网设备. But will the lack of standardization doom them all to failure?